Your total resource for Advanced Placement United States History Review. This website is the sole creation of Adam Norris and is not endorsed by the College Board, AP, or any school district.
APUSH Period 4 Key Concepts 26個詞語 Madison_Hall49 預覽 5.4 Civil Rights for Indigenous Groups: Native Americans, Alaskans, and Hawaiians 63個詞語 Kimmi257 預覽 ES 3 - Quiz 7 Borderlands, La Frontera 5個詞語 fatima20048 預覽 APUSH Semester #1 Review Guide 60個詞語 sadie9804 預覽 APUSH uni...
The time period 1829 to 1837, also known as the Age of the Common Man. Indian Removal Act President Andrew Jackson supported this. By 1835 most of the eastern tribes had reluctantly moved to an area in today's Oklahoma. Romanticism in art and literature ...
8, 1664. "era of good-feelings" (1816-1824) Popular name for the period of one-party, Republican, rule during James Monroe's presidency. The term obscures bitter conflicts over internal improvements, slavery, and the national bank. "King Cotton" cotton and cotton-growing considered, in the...
Rhode Island was the only colony at that time to offer complete religious freedom. Massasoit Chief of the Wampanoag tribe. Helped the Pilgrim's. Metacom (King Phillip) Son of Massasoit. Leader of the Wampanoag's. Charles II Son of Charles I. King of England, Ireland and Scotland. Spread...
APUSH Period 5 23個詞語 sarinapatel723 預覽 Unit 3 Study Guide 28個詞語 Isabel_Gastaudo 預覽 Civil War Vocab 17個詞語 seklaus 預覽 UNIT 4 18個詞語 Courtlynn_11 預覽 Naturalization Test 98個詞語 idcintron06 預覽 Exam 2 36個詞語 Piperf26issleepy 預覽 history qtr 4 exam review 112個詞語 ca...
- Initially successful - killed Indians, threw out governor for some time, but Bacon died of disease and the rebellion fell apart - Class strife - growing during this period (power not interested in best interests of underclass) Act of Toleration ...
a period in the political history of the United States that reflected a sense of national purpose and a desire for unity among Americans. This occurred after the War of 1812, as nationalism swept through the nation. During this time, America experienced large growth and prosperity.-National unit...
"Starving Time" 1609-1610*A period of starvation endured by the Jamestown colonists*The colonists depended upon trade with the local Native Americans for their food supplies*A series of conflicts between the colonists and the Native Americans limited the colonists' ability to trade for supplies and...
apush period 6 review 38個詞語 kimi_slone3 預覽 Sociology Test 2: Ch. 4 22個詞語 Marie_Miller21 預覽 Unit 1: Chapter 2 Key Terms and Definitions 老師20個詞語 mrvanthehistoryman 預覽 AP EURO UNIT 3 69個詞語 jacobjonesheal 預覽 Family and Religion: Sociological Perspectives 82個詞語 nibarra...