Presidents 7個詞語 Carlee_Britton預覽 U.S History Unit Test #1 70個詞語 mjone2609預覽 Unit 8 vocab 23個詞語 Tehlia_Kutsoati預覽 history unit 2 quiz 9B 16個詞語 pbenas39預覽 Actually Unit 5 Vocab 42個詞語 sydneyshaw12預覽 Mod 5 - Social Studies 90個詞語 ceci_s74預覽 Texas Government Te...
Ch 5 Quiz 26個詞語 josh_mcdaniel37預覽 Chapter 16 20個詞語 Haley_Latson8預覽 north and south vocab 7個詞語 moonk70預覽 Revolution: Unit 3/4 Semester Final Review 老師24個詞語 katharine_edwards27預覽 US Histroy 11 exam 50個詞語 Meme_Man738預覽 final part 4 9個詞語 Isai_Almazan預覽 Recons...
American History - Unit 4 Vocab 老師7個詞語 hillmanh預覽 ALWFC Test Review 62個詞語 zsoika預覽 APUSH Vocab. Week 2 14個詞語 Alena17077預覽 Global 2nd industrial Revolution quiz 老師21個詞語 dylanleto預覽 APUSH Period 3 Vocab 49個詞語 agmueller預覽 No Taxation Without Representation Notes 老師10...
quizlette24922008預覽 Religious Persecution and Colonization in America 13個詞語 ledreamwaltonn預覽 Unit 8 vocab 20個詞語 ReyesAS24預覽 APUSH Presidents 27個詞語 kSasaki117預覽 History chapter 3 54個詞語 Peyton_Eason1預覽 10th: 1450 -1750 (European Advantages - ) 79個詞語 NavyBlue32預覽 US His...
用Quizlet學習並牢記包含Old Immigrants vs. New Immigrants、Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882、Political Machines等詞語及更多內容的單詞卡。
用Quizlet學習並牢記包含When comparing significant dates in the chronology associated with major strikes, more strikes occurred、In the United States, which development was a result of the other three?、Immigrants formed ethnic enclaves in cities for all
Unit 10 vocab 17個詞語 Brianna_9257預覽 Civil war/reconstruction 29個詞語 shivasadri123預覽 The Civil War 17個詞語 nilsfotis6預覽 Social Studies test 1 study guide 50個詞語 dnemer123預覽 本學習集中的詞語(76) Encomienda System system in Spanish America that gave settlers the right to tax loca...
Unit 4 Vocab 25個詞語 danieliturbide10預覽 SS vocab 1 TAKEHARA 10個詞語 tHeRuSsIaNTsA預覽 American Revilution 15個詞語 puppydance64預覽 8th Grade Ch#12 North and South 老師6個詞語 Sherri_Lummis預覽 APUSH REVIEW SHEET UNIT 3 146個詞語 annie123230預覽 Humanities Midterm review 53個詞語 Brooke_Em...
- Hoped to grow food to provision sugar plantations in Barbados & export non-English products like silk, wine, and olive oil.- Protested against Indian slave trading in their colony 顯示更多 最好的學習方式。免費註冊。 註冊代表你接受Quizlet的服務條款和隱私政策 以Google帳戶繼續 ...
Unit 1: Colonialism (Quiz Vocabulary) 14個詞語 APUSH Chapter 2 17個詞語 13.3 Economic Systems 10個詞語 Vocab Chapter 6 AP Gov 17個詞語 vocab chapter 12 10個詞語 Exam 1- MGMT 345 22個詞語 American Govt. Chapter 1 + 2 Test 60個詞語 ...