其他资料 有知友提供了如图资料, 源链接已失效, 新链接为https://yi.gs/post/streaming_ldac_from_windows_10 参考 ^Dell驱动链接 https://www.dell.com/support/home/zh-cn/drivers/DriversDetails?driverId=90WTD ^github上提取的驱动 https://github.com/StKob/Intel-Bluetooth-Audio 编辑于 2023-03-24 ...
https://www.dell.com/support/home/cn/zh/cnbsd1/Drivers/DriversDetails?driverId=90WTD ...
···首先声明,这不是广子··· 有些博主通过修改注册表就能开启APTX功能,但是有些情况并不奏效。比如我。。。 我是AX201的网卡,修改注册表之后默认蓝牙协议却成为了SBC。 偶然之间在酷安上看到软件Alternative A2DP Driver,价格是6美刀。这个软件的功能就是替换你电脑上蓝牙耳机的驱动,然后从软件界面开启LDAC。最...
1. 耳机支持aptX ,似乎windows自动选择了aac编码。最终在弯弯论坛找到了临时解决办法(禁用AAC) 2. 新建文本文档并输入以下文字,保存后修改文件后缀为“reg”,运行它即可添加这些键值 Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\BthA2dp\Parameters] "BluetoothAacEnable"=...
分享4赞 fiil吧 baixinyao2008 【Windows 10默认开启Apt-X协议】原文地址:http://www.soomal.com/doc/10100006268.htm “OSX 和 Windows 10 设备均支持aptX,而Windows XP设备不具备这种特性。我们在一台安装了Win10的惠普HP520古董笔记本上,插了一张有年头的山寨的蓝牙适配器,连蓝牙几点几都搞不清的那种,测试完...
OS Supported: Windows 7/ 8/ 10/ etc.Not support Mac OS,Linux system Item Size: 21x16x5 mm Warranty: 1 Y Driver download connectionhttps://www.dropbox.com/s/c4l0w4h3kyxub3b/1.rar?dl=0 Item Name: USB Bluetooth Adapter Chip: 5.0 REALTEK RTL8671B ...
devices, including Windows 7, 8, 10, and more. It's designed to be user-friendly, with no need for a CD or complicated setup process. Simply download the driver from the provided link and you're ready to go. While it's important to note that this adapter is not suitable for all ...
If you are experiencing issues with your speakers when connected via USB on a Windows 10+ operating system, it might be due to the DCH (Declarative, Componentized, Hardware Support Apps) drivers. While DCH drivers offer many benefits, they can sometimes cause compatibility issues with USB audio...
1.对于Windows用户 (win 7/8/10/11),请在1Mii网站上下载驱动程序,使用推荐的播放器 (JRiver/Foobar2000) 并在其中设置参数。 2. Mac不需要驱动程序。 OLED显示器 您想在OLED显示屏上了解的所有信息: in out模式,采样率,音量。 发烧友级芯片 为发烧友提供室内高保真质量。
3>>>Driver Free Your B10 Bluetooth audio transmitter dongle is driver free, no need to download and manually install any drivers, just plug andplay. (Driver free for windows XP, 7,10 ,macOS, Linux). Please Note:It is NOT compatible with iOS, Android, iPad OS. ...