and reagent combinations .Results:There are different results of PT and APTT in varied detection systems .No significant difference exists in varied instrument manufacturers or reagents ,but there are significant difference in the results of the same manufacturer with different type reagents .On the ...
APTT no hemolysis group and hemolysis group has significant difference between, between different hemolysis degree was significant difference (P < O.05), no blood and blood chylothorax chylothorax between APTT PT and was significant difference (P < 0.05), mild and moderate chyle blood there is no...
lantrespectivelyhadbeencarriedout.ResultsThedifferenceinPTandAPTTbetween1yearoldagegroupandadultgrouphadobviousstatisti calsignificance(P﹤0.01).TherewasnodifferenceinPTbetween1~5yearsoldchildrengroupandadultgroup,butAPTTwasprolonged(P﹤0.01).ThePTwaslongerwhenthesamplesputinroomtemperatureover4hours,bothPTandAPTT...
Compared with healthy pregnant women and healthy women,PT,APTT, TT,FIB, D-D and FM had significant difference in patients with early DIC( P<0.001). In healthy pregnant women,the levels of PT and APTT in middle and late phase pregnancy were shortened compared with that in early phase ...
Results the group of PT,APTT time significantly shorter than the control group,comparing differences between groups was statistically significant(P < 0.01);FIB,D - D levels of group was obviously higher than that of control group,the more significant difference between groups(P < 0.01);Team's ...
APTT 美['æpt] 英['æpt] n.明矾沉淀类毒素 网络活化部分凝血活酶时间(activated partial thromboplastin time);活化部分凝血活酶时间测定;部分凝血酶原时间 英汉 网络释义 n. 1. 明矾沉淀类毒素
1、临产孕妇凝血pt、aptt、tt、fib与d-d水平的变化及意义南县妇幼保健计划牛育服务中心湖南南县413200【摘要】目的探讨临产孕妇凝血酶原时间(pt)、活化部分凝血活酶时间(aptt)、 凝血酶时间(tt)、纤维蛋白原(fib)及d二聚体(dd)水平变化及其意义。 方法选取我院2015年1月2015年6月妇产科收治的200例临产孕妇为...