Aptos replaces Calibri as the default font in the Microsoft Office suite. It offers a range of styles including Light, Regular, Semibold, Bold, Extrabold, Black, and their corresponding italics. It includes Aptos Display, Aptos Narrow, Aptos Mono, and Aptos Serif....
Aptos Narrow Italic Aptos SemiBold Aptos SemiBold Italic Aptos Serif Aptos Serif Bold Aptos Serif Bold Italic Aptos Serif Italic Copyright© 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. DesignersSteve Matteson Font vendorMicrosoft Corp. Script Tagsdlng:'Cyrl', 'Grek', 'Latn' ...
How to change strange texts in aptos narrow font to normal text in angsana new (thai font)
Font Library Abadi MT Agency FB Aharoni Aldhabi Algerian Almanac MT American Uncial Andale Mono Andalus Andy AngsanaUPC Angsana New Aparajita Aptos Arabic Transparent Arabic Typesetting Arial Arial Black Arial Narrow Arial Narrow Special Arial Nova Arial Rounded MT Arial Special Arial Unicode MS Augsburg...
Aptos NarrowVersion 2.01;240513210638;O365字形图 前往字体下载页面该字体一共有1286个字形图,免费字体网仅展示前 150 个简单字形图拖动滑块调整大小 : 0 .notdef 1 A A 2 Á Aacute 1 1231 3 Ă Abreve 1 1235 4 Ắ Abreveacute 1 1277 5...
Along with Regular, Aptos is also available asAptos Display,Aptos Narrow,Aptos Light,Aptos Dark,and more. Back in 2021, Microsoftintroduced five new fonts:Grandview,Bierstadt,Skeena,Seaford,andTenorite, which gave us the hint of this happening in the near future, but nobody knew Bierstadt or ...
Aptos Narrow Italic Aptos SemiBold Aptos SemiBold Italic Aptos Serif Aptos Serif Bold Aptos Serif Bold Italic Aptos Serif Italic Copyright© 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. DesignersSteve Matteson Font vendorMicrosoft Corp. Script Tagsdlng:'Cyrl', 'Grek', 'Latn' ...
Aptos Narrow Italic Aptos SemiBold Aptos SemiBold Italic Aptos Serif Aptos Serif Bold Aptos Serif Bold Italic Aptos Serif Italic Copyright© 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. DesignersSteve Matteson Font vendorMicrosoft Corp. Script Tagsdlng:'Cyrl', 'Grek', 'Latn' ...
Aptos Narrow Italic Aptos SemiBold Aptos SemiBold Italic Aptos Serif Aptos Serif Bold Aptos Serif Bold Italic Aptos Serif Italic Copyright© 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. DesignersSteve Matteson Font vendorMicrosoft Corp. Script Tagsdlng:'Cyrl', 'Grek', 'Latn' ...
Aptos-Narrow-Bold.ttf Aptos-Narrow-Bold-Italic.ttf Aptos-Narrow-Italic.ttf Aptos-SemiBold.ttf Aptos-SemiBold-Italic.ttf Aptos-Serif.ttf Aptos-Serif-Bold.ttf Aptos-Serif-Bold-Italic.ttf Aptos-Serif-Italic.ttf Styles & WeightsAptos Aptos Black ...