Aptitude Test | Meaning and Definition What are aptitude tests? Aptitude tests are simple, and are designed to measure the potential of a person for a particular role or activity. They are usually used during the recruitment process as part of the decision-making process on who to hire. ...
The meaning of APTITUDE TEST is a standardized test designed to predict an individual's ability to learn certain skills.
In speed tests, the questions are relatively straightforward and the test is concerned with how many questions you can answer correctly in the allotted time. Speed tests tend to be used in selection at the administrative and clerical level. A power test, on the other hand, will present a sma...
The meaning of APTITUDE is inclination, tendency. How to use aptitude in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Aptitude.
An aptitude test is a way for employers to assess a candidate's abilities through a variety of different testing formats. Aptitude tests will test your ability
"Luftmensch," literally meaning "air person," is the Yiddish way of describing someone who is a bit of a dreamer. Did You Know? The word "infant" comes from the Latin word "infans" which literally means "unable to speak; speechless." ...
meaningofthesentence? a)Founded b)Build c)Invented d)Instigated Answer:A Exnation: a)“Founded”alsoimpliestheinitial“settingup”suggestedby“established”,making thisthecorrectanswer. b)“Build”doesnotmakegrticalsenseinthissentence,“Built”wouldbe ...
fromtheItaliannationalistmovementItaliairredenta.Meaning“unredeemed Italy”,Italianirredentismwasanopinionmovementratherthanaformal organisation.ItsoughttounifyethnicallyItalianterritories,suchasTrieste, Trentina,andIstria,thatwereoutsideofItalianbordersatthetimeofthe ...
meaningofthesentence? a)Production b)Development c)Exploitation d)Propagation Answer:D Explanation: a)“Production”wouldonlyimplypreventingweaponsfrombeingbuiltinspace,which changesthemeaningofthesentence. b)“Development”wouldonlyimplypreventingweaponsresearchinspace,which changesthemeaningofthesentence. c)“...
Q:"aptitude"是什麼意思 A:Natural ability to acquire knowledge or skill 查看更多回答 Q:aptitudetests 是什麼意思 A:A test designed to determine a person's ability in a particular skill or field of knowledge. Basically it tests how well you know or know how to do something. ...