doi:10.1093/ptj/59.6.786OxfordPhysical Therapy
APTA's TRANSform Conference 2027 American Public transportation Association Annual Meeting Dates: TBD Venue: TBD, TBD, United StatesAPTA's TRANSform Conference is the flagship event for public transportation professionals to engage in workshops, join tours, and network with colleagues. Keynote ...
"The annual CSM conference is like no other annual event for the physical therapy profession. The variety of educational opportunities, career advancement opportunities, marketing, recruiting, innovation, and networking facilitates a timely and cost-effective means of accomplishing goals and initiatives. ...
s of presentations to be presented at PT 2000: The Annual Conference and Exposition of the APTA to be held June 14-17, 2000 are presented and include facilitating active learning through a web-based course for physical therapy students, cardiovascular rehabilitation in people with chronic low ...
doi:10.1093/ptj/59.7.902OxfordPhysical Therapy
Presents several abstracts of studies on physical therapy to be presented at PT 2001: The Annual Conference and Exposition of the American Physical Therapy Association. `Reasons Why Patients Refuse Physical Therapy in the Acute Care Setting,' by D. Taylor, C. Appleton et al.; `Effects of ...
Preparation for this year's APTA Annual Meeting and Expo has involved everyone at MTS. Our goal now is to make sure that everyone who attends leaves San Diego with the best impressions of our city, the APTA event and our transportation system. To do that, we've been involved in almost ...
Jane K. OeffnerOvid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)Rehabilitation Oncology
An abstract is unavailable. This article is available as a PDF only.doi:10.1097/01823246-200011030-00017Martha GarlickOvid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Journal
Poster and Platform Presentations in Orthopaedics / Sports- 1991 APTA Annual ConferenceLynn, Jaye