1 1.我们首先要导入dotdeb源:打开 /etc/apt/sources.list。向其中添加如下四行:deb http://packages.dotdeb.org wheezy alldeb-src http://packages.dotdeb.org wheezy alldeb http://packages.dotdeb.org wheezy-php56 alldeb-src http://packages.dotdeb.org wheezy-php56 all下载并导入GnuPG key:wge...
Theapt-cachecommand line tool is used for searching apt software package cache. In simple words, this tool is used to search software packages, collects information of packages and also used to search for what available packages are ready for installation onDebianorUbuntubased systems. APT-CACHE ...
apt-get updateupdates the list of available packages and their versions, but it does not install or upgrade any packages. apt-get upgradeactually installs newer versions of the packages you have. After updating the lists, the package manager knows about available updates for the software you hav...
# yum list available 列出所有升级源上的包; # yum list updates 列出所有升级源上的可以更新包; # yum list installed 列出已经安装的包; # yun update kernel 升级内核; yum常用的源 1) 自动选择最快的源 由于yum中有的mirror速度是非常慢的,如果yum选择了这个mirror,这个时候yum就会非常慢,对此,可以下载...
be performed before an upgrade or dist-upgrade.upgrade is used to install the newest versions of all packages currently installed on the system from the sources enumerated in /etc/apt/sources.list. Packages currently installed with new versions available are retrieved and upgraded.
# yum list available 列出所有升级源上的包; # yum list updates 列出所有升级源上的可以更新包; # yum list installed 列出已经安装的包; # yun update kernel 升级内核; yum常用的源 1) 自动选择最快的源 由于yum中有的mirror速度是非常慢的,如果yum选择了这个mirror,这个时候yum就会非常慢,对此,可以下载...
# yum grouplist xxx # yum groupremove xxx 这三个都是一组为单位进行升级 列表和删除的操作。。比如 "Mysql Database"就是一个组会同时操作相关的所有软件包; # yum update 系统升级 # yum list available 列出所有升级源上的包; # yum list updates 列出所有升级源上的可以更新包; ...
先介绍几个和apt-get相关的目录:/var/lib/dpkg/available 文件的内容是软件包的描述信息, 该软件包括...
The list of available packages is obtained as follows: ~# apt-cache pkgnames We clearly see that the list is not in alphabetical order. To resolve this issue, we redirect and sort the output: ~# apt-cache pkgnames |sort Searching a software package: apt-cache search ...