sudo apt-get install git查看版本git version#创建项目1,创建my_news文件夹, 表示工作项目2,cd my_news 3,git init 初始化本地仓库,会创建一个.git隐藏文件配置个人信息,配置信息出现在.git/config文件中git config "laowang"git config "".查看文件状态git status.将...
针对你的问题“apt-get install -y adduser libfontconfig1 musl”,我将根据提供的tips进行回答: 解析apt-get命令及其选项: apt-get 是Debian 及其衍生系统(如 Ubuntu)中用于处理软件包的命令行工具。 install 是apt-get 的一个子命令,用于安装新的软件包。 -y 选项是自动回答所有提示为“是”的选项,避免在...
Reverse Depends:ubumirror,vsftpd harden-servers,vsftpdDependencies:2.3.5-3ubuntu1-debconf(180.5)debconf-2.0(0(null))upstart-job(0(null))libc6(22.15)libcap2(22.10)libpam0g(
N: Datafromsuch a repository can't be authenticated and is therefore potentially dangerous to use.N: See apt-secure(8) manpageforrepository creationanduser configuration details. W: The repository' stretch/updates Release'doesnothave a Release file. N: Datafromsuch a ...
Apt-get install Installation: installing packages, For example: apt-get, install, httpd, so that apt will automatically download the Internet, httpd back to install, and if the httpd has dependencies when the package, apt will automatically download and install ...
1.apt-get install <package_name> install a new package. 2.apt-get build-dep <package_name> search the repositories and install the build dependcies for <package_name>. build-dep causes apt-get to install/remove packages in an attempt to satisfy the build dependencies for a source package...
remove-user-tag Remove user tag from packages/patterns. Options: -h This help text. --no-gui Do not use the GTK GUI even if available. -s Simulate actions, but do not actually perform them. -d Only download packages, do not install or remove anything. ...
搜索软件包搜寻:我们可以用这个指令来搜寻升级包,例如:APT缓存搜索服务器, Apt-cache depends Dependency: we can use this instruction to see all dependencies files of a package For example: apt-cache, depends, httpd, Apt-get install Installation: installing packages, For example: apt-get, install, ...
USER root RUN apt-get update && apt-get install dos2unix && apt-get clean It tries to install it, => CACHED [uncrosstab-abm-results 1/2] FROM 0.0s => [uncrosstab-abm-results 2/2] RUN apt-get update && apt-get install dos2unix && apt-get cle...
This makes you the root user and obtain administrator previlages. type “whoami” and check that you will be the root user…now all apt commands work.. 2. killall aptitude && killall apt-get killall dpkg && killall frontend 安装了一些更新,就再apt-get install。。。就没有问题了。