检查环境变量 PATH: 如果apt-cyg 已经安装但仍然提示“command not found”,可能是因为 apt-cyg 的安装路径没有添加到你的 PATH 环境变量中。你可以通过以下命令来检查 PATH 环境变量是否包含 apt-cyg 的路径: bash echo $PATH 如果PATH 中没有包含 /usr/local/bin/(这是 apt-cyg 的默认安装路径),你需要...
Setthemirror;afullURLtoalocationwherethedatabase,packages,and signaturesforthisrepositorycanbefound.IfnoURLisprovided,display currentmirror. cache Setthepackagecachedirectory.Ifafileisnotfoundincachedirectory, itwillbedownloaded.UnixandWindowsformsareaccepted,aswellas absoluteorregularpaths.Ifnodirectoryisprovided...
0 Cygwin's "source" command fails when installing package 37 how to install apt-cyg for Cygwin? 0 "Nothing to Install/Update" in Cygwin when Using Setup to Install Packages 0 apt-cyg is not recognized as an internal or external command 1 Why are these installed packages not found i...
"none" will not use the proxy. URL can take a string like "protocol://hostname:port". For example: apt-cyg --proxy http://proxy.home:8080 update The default parameter is "${APT_CYG_PROXY:-auto}". At the environment where is not provided the WPAD server, it makes the lag for a...
"none" will not use the proxy. URL can take a string like "protocol://hostname:port". For example: cyg --proxy http://proxy.home:8080 update The default parameter is "${APT_CYG_PROXY:-auto}". At the environment where is not provided the WPAD server, it makes the lag for a few...
如果碰到端口22拒绝连接,八成是没有开启SSH服务,通过net start sshd即可。 ssh-host-config:command not found 是因为没有安装Cygwin的时候没有下载SSH的包,所以本地没有可执行的命令,你也可以通过which ssh来查看本地是否安装了SSH。 可以通过命令apt-cyg install openssh安装即可。