5 Follow following steps First Backup your old sources.list,mv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.back Check your OS version, Release lsb_release -r Go to Select Country Select U...
Ubuntu 18.04 WSL Please help fix this sudo apt-get update [sudo] password for guido: Err:1 bionic InRelease Cannot initiate the connection to (2001:67c:1360:8001::24). - connect (101...
方法一 第一步:root@validator-dev-group-c2v4:~# cd /usr/lib/apt/methods 第二步:root@validator-dev-group-c2v4:/usr/lib/apt/methods# ln -s http https 方法二 删掉一个文件后,再运行apt-get update 命令:rm -r /etc/apt/sources.list.d 参考:
Ubuntu遇到apt-get update报错:"E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock" 2019-12-20 10:58 − sudo apt-get update报错:"E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock" 出现此问题的原因可能是有另外一个程序在运行,导致资源被加锁,不可用。导致资源被锁的原因可能是上次更新源的操作...
Hey there I'm new in Termux and still learning about it. So, today I accidentally uninstall Termux and reinstall it after few minutes but When I try to update or upgrade it by using command lines pkg update or apt update it showing some ...
I can't able to install new package so tried to update package index files on the system by using apt-get update, getting below error. Can you pls support to resolve this? Logfile: Get:1 buster InRelease [122 kB]Get:2 ...
Ubuntu遇到apt-get update报错:"E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock" 2019-12-20 10:58 −sudo apt-get update报错:"E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock" 出现此问题的原因可能是有另外一个程序在运行,导致资源被加锁,不可用。导致资源被锁的原因可能是上次更新源的操作没有...
sudo apt-get update command is not working Not able to run command Sudo apt-get update. Showing errors Ign:1 artful InRelease Ign:2 artful-updates InRelease Ign:3 artful-backports InRelease...
apt-get update 更新过程中出现 0% [Working],然后你懂的 解决 1、容器中更换阿里源 切换到 /etc/apt/ 目录,备份 sources.list cd /etc/apt/ mv sources.list sources.list.bak 没有vi的时候 ,echo echo "deb bionic main restricted universe multiverse" >> sources...
rosdep update报错解决 Step1 Step2 问题描述: Step1 sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf 再添加2行 nameserver #google域名服务器 nameserver #google域名服务器 保存,有warning忽视。 链接: link. 再次运行 rosdep update Step2 断开网线、现有