- name: "Update cache & Full system update" apt: update_cache: true upgrade: dist cache_valid_time: 3600 force_apt_get: true Similarly, run the Ansible Playbook above, as shown in the first command. Conclusion In this tutorial, we quickly went over what Ansible is, what it offers, an...
Here are some of the common tasks you can perform with the Ansible apt module: Updating cache using apt module If you just want to update the local APT cache, here's what you can use: - name: apt: update_cache: yes cache_valid_time: 3600 ...
Linux:执行sudo apt install gcc提示“软件包gcc没有可安装候选 解决方法: 在虚拟机设置中把网络改成桥连接然后执行sudo apt-get update,下载好在执行sudo apt-get upgrade,确认是否执行输入Y,配置好以后最后执行sudo apt install gcc就行了...猜你喜欢Linux软件的6种安装方式 1. rpm(Red Hat Linux软件包管理...
FROM debian:latestRUN sed -i 's/deb.debian.org/mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/g' /etc/apt/sources.list \&& apt-getupdate-y \&& apt-getupgrade-y \&& apt-getinstallansible -y \&& apt-getinstallsshpass -y \&& apt-getinstallpip -y \&& apt-getinstalllibmysql++-dev -y \&& apt-getinstalldefaul...
- name: update and upgrade packages apt: force_apt_get: yes name: "*" only_upgrade: yes state: latest update_cache: yes 但是,这会继续安装我之前使用sudo apt-get remove [name]删除的包。 我如何才能告诉Ansible只升级那些已经安装的软件包? 我使用的是Ansible 2.8.4和Python 3.7.4。遥控器是Ubunt...
apt update apt install -y software-properties-common apt-add-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible apt install -y ansible 1. 2. 3. 4. 生成key 无密连接 ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -P '' -q #拷贝ssh key到远程主机,ssh的时候就不需要输入密码了 ...
=> changed=false invocation: module_args: clean: false dist_upgrade: false name: python3-module-yaml=6.0.1 package: - python3-module-yaml=6.0.1 state: present update_cache: true update_kernel: false msg: '''apt-get -y install python3-module-yaml=6.0.1'' failed: ' PLAY RECAP ***...
upgrade:safe // ... lines 16 - 21 Then, try the playbook again to make sure it's still happy! ansible-playbook ansible/playbook.yml -i ansible/hosts.ini It didn't make any changes... but itisstill happy! We rock! With repositories cache and packages upgraded, we can go crazy and ...
你只需要可以使用 ssh 访问你的服务器或设备就行。你可以将代码部署到任意数量的服务器上! Ansible跟...
When you run "apt_rpm" module for upgrade local installed rpm-package (which does not exist on repository) from rpm-file, actually package will not be updated. I investigated an issue and found: https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general/blob/8c45cba53c89c30285b50318532cf0f2c...