apt-show-versions [-h] [[-p] package name] [-a] [-b] OPTIONS If you don't give any options the status of all installed packages is printed. -p package, --package=package Print available and installed versions for specified package. You can also specify a package name without the ...
showsrc Display detailed info about a source package (apt wrapper). versions Displays the versions of specified packages. clean Erase downloaded package files. autoclean Erase old downloaded package files. changelog View a package's changelog. download Download the .deb file for a package (apt wra...
还可以通过apt-show-versions -u <<package name>>来查询是否有升级版本。 参考:http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man1/apt-show-versions.1p.html 7、 whohas -d Debian,Ubuntu <<package name>> | tr -s ' ' '\t' | cut -f 1-3 | column -t 8、 rmadison -u debian,ubuntu,bpo...
Here, 1: is the epoch, while 3.0 is the actual version number of ruby. 6. Using apt-show-versions The apt-show-versions command provides detailed package information on the installed version, all available versions in the repository, and potential upgrade options within the specific distribution...
apt-show-versions -a <<package name>> 1. 说明:列举出所有版本,且能查看是否已经安装。还可以通过apt-show-versions -u <<package name>>来查询是否有升级版本。 参考:http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man1/apt-show-versions.1p.html ...
currently installed packages that cannot be upgraded without changing the install status of another package will be left at their current version. An update must be performed first so that apt-get knows that new versions of packages are available. ...
~# apt-cache show flash W: the package flash could not be found E: No package has been found does not yield any result sinceflashis not he name of a package. Installing a software: apt-get install Assume we want to installfirefox. We type: ...
-V Show which versions of packages are to be installed. -D Show the dependencies of automatically changed packages. -Z Show the change in installed size of each package. -v Display extra information. (may be supplied multiple times).
This will show the list of all packages or the ones specified in the command line (wildcards can be used). If you add the–all-versions, this will yield all the available versions of all packages. With the option–installed, it will list all installed packages....
特に、apt のバイナリの導入では、APT::Get::Show-Versions がapt と同様に apt-get に効果を与 えるように、特定のバイナリのみに影響を与えるように見えるオプションであっても、特定のバイナ リのために特定のオプションを設定することは有用であり得ます。 特定のバイナリ用のオプショ...