從包管理的能力上說,pacman並不比apt系和 rpm 系的包管理器好,可能比 apt/rpm 還弱一點。ArchWik...
sudoapt install package 1. 在DNF 中: 复制 sudodnf install package 1. 与APT 相比,DNF 的一个优势是能够安装您从网上手动下载的 RPM。您可以使用相同的install命令执行此操作,但包含 RPM 的完整路径而不是包名称。 复制 sudodnf install /path/to/package.rpm 1. 相反,要安装放在 Downloads 文件夹中的 D...
在APT 中: sudo aptinstallpackage 在DNF 中: sudo dnfinstallpackage 与APT 相比,DNF 的一个优势是能够安装您从网上手动下载的 RPM。您可以使用相同的install命令执行此操作,但包含 RPM 的完整路径而不是包名称。 sudo dnfinstall/path/to/package.rpm 相反,要安装放在 Downloads 文件夹中的 DEB,您不能使用 A...
First, if this is a new system, just double-check that it’ssupposedto be using APT as a package manager. Fedora uses DNF/yum, Arch uses Pacman, Solus uses EOPKG, openSUSE uses zypper, and Mandriva uses urpmi. If your distro is not listed anywhere, you’ll have to look up its doc...
with either one, you probably won't have a difficult time learning the other. If you're a complete newcomer, know that these two package managers are among the easier ones to learn, especially compared to the less intuitivePacman package manager found in Arch Linuxand other Arch-based ...
If you’re sure it’s not just a typo and you haven’t typed “atp-get install” or something similar, here are a few things you can try. Make sure you’re using a Debian-based distribution As mentioned in the introduction, the main reason why we get the error “apt-get: command ...
怎么都安装不成功,用了sudo apt-get install -f命令还是不行啊,他只让我给未完全安装的网易云卸载了,重新运行命令还是显示依赖错误。 分享414 linux吧 Sb_YOUNG arch有能安装apt吗?我想装几个包,但是github里用的apt install命令,我用pacman和yay都找不到。网上说apt和pacman会冲突,请问arch还能安装apt吗?
ertxn TW 10 然而还是pacman好用 小伙有型哥有样 LP 7 原来APT代码那么多,平时用没怎么注意 贴吧用户_0QD7K7R LP 8 slackpkg install 路过。。。登录百度帐号 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示10...
The zypper equivalent for a distribution upgrade (apt-get dist-upgrade) is "zypper dup". See https://en.opensuse.org/SDB:System_upgrade The Arch wiki has a similar comparison of more tools: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pacman_rosettaAlexander...