To list all available packages from apt, follow the steps below:- Advertisements # this will list all packages available thru apt-get $ apt-cache pkgnames # this will only return you the relevant result $ apt-cache search 'your search term here' # this only return result match `postgresql...
为了能够有选择地访问,在Ubuntu系统中,使用软件源配置文件/etc/apt/sources.list列出最合适访问的镜像站点地址。 例1:apt-get的更新过程 1)执行apt-get update 2)程序分析/etc/apt/sources.list 3)自动连网寻找list中对应的Packages/Sources/Release列表文件,如果有更新则下载之,存入/var/lib/apt/lists/目录 4)...
The ‘update‘ command is used to resynchronize the package index files from the their sources specified in/etc/apt/sources.listfile. The update command fetched the packages from their locations and update the packages to newer version. $ sudo apt-get update [sudo] password for tecmint: Ign ...
yum list | grep <package> in YDL, once the yum index has been updated. (I've read the man page for apt-get, but haven't found an option to list available pkgs. There's a ref on the dpkg page to querying about pkgs installed on the system, but not about pkgs that are not inst...
$ apt-get remove packagename # 卸载一个已安装的软件包(删除配置文件) $ apt-get –purge remove packagename # 来删除你已经删掉的软件 $ apt-get autoclean apt # 会把安装的软件的备份也删除 $ apt-get clean # 列出已安装软件包 $ sudo apt list --installed ...
例1:apt-get 的更新过程 执行apt-get update命令。 程序分析/etc/apt/sources.list。 自动连网寻找配置文件中对应的 Packages/Sources/Release 列表文件,如果有更新则下载之,存入/var/lib/apt/lists/目录。 使用apt-get install安装相应的包,下载并安装。
命令:yum list <package_name> yum = Yellow dog Updater, Modified 主要功能是更方便的添加/删除/更新RPM包. 它能自动解决包的倚赖性问题. 它能便于管理大量系统的更新问题 yum特点 可以同时配置多个资源库(Repository) 简洁的配置文件(/etc/yum.conf ...
Apt-Get List Installed– step by step tutorial. Apt is a command-line interface that allows you to perform actions such as installing new software packages, removing unnecessary software packages,updating the existing software packages, searching for specific software packages etc. on a LinuxVPS runn...
apt-get的更新过程: 执行apt-get update 程序分析/etc/apt/sources.list 自动连网寻找list中对应的Packages/Sources/Release列表文件,如果有更新则下载之,存入/var/lib/apt/lists/目录然后 apt-get install 相应的包 ,下载并安装。 即使这样,软件源配置文件只是告知Ubuntu系统可以访问的镜像站点地址,但那些镜像站点具...
Updating a list of software is not the same as updating the software {per se}. Only the list is actually updated: ~# apt-get update Updating the software: apt-get upgrade Theupgradecommand installs the most recent versions of all packages on the system. ...