安装mesa-utils: 更新完成后,输入以下命令并按Enter键来安装mesa-utils: bash sudo apt-get install mesa-utils 这个命令会从软件源下载并安装mesa-utils及其依赖项。 输入管理员密码: 如果系统提示你输入管理员密码,请按提示输入并按Enter键。这是为了验证你的身份,确保只有授权用户才能安装软件包。 等待安装完成...
$ sudo apt-get install mesa-utils //有关3D的一些工具 执行 glxgears来检查是否支持3D,3D支持会出现3个齿轮,并且在控制台会出现帧数 $ sudo apt-get install xbacklight //命令行方式设置 -set 屏幕亮度,用法是 /usr/bin/xbacklight -set 30 这句代码加入.bashrc里,其中的30表示30%的亮度。 $ sudo ap...
小白级教程:龙芯电脑loongnix系统安装glxgears 龙芯电脑loongnix系统安装帧率测试软件glxgears教程电脑:中科云龙芯3A6000小主机系统:loongnix25 Beta5loongnix安装帧率测试软件glxgears的步骤:sudo apt updatesudo apt install mesa-utils然后输入glxgears就可以测试了#龙芯#计算机#网络信息安全#教程#帧率测试 ...
2019-12-20 17:40 −转载:https://blog.csdn.net/ghostking8/article/details/74474878 sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install mesa-utils ... hanny-liu 0 1096 Vue报错:This dependency was not found 2019-12-06 15:39 −报错: This dependency was not found:* app.js?vue&type=script...
如软件包a,依赖软件包b,则执行该命令会删除a,而且不保留配置... 小丑_jk 0 1136 glxinfo: not found 2019-12-20 17:40 −转载:https://blog.csdn.net/ghostking8/article/details/74474878 sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install mesa-utils ... hanny-liu 0 1097 <1>...
Location:Mesa, AZ Re: Unable to Install using apt-get Wed Sep 12, 2012 1:29 am You are heading down the wrong road... When you format with the OS you will only have a 55MB FAT partition. That is Normal... You can't see the rest of the disk using Windows. You would need ...
dpkg:处理归档/tmp/apt-dpkg-install-yilLi8/3-libpng12-0_1.2.50-1ubuntu2.14.04.3_amd64.deb(--unpack)时出错: 无法安装/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpng12.so.0的新版本:没有那个文件或目录 由于已经达到MaxReports限制,没有写入apport报告。 准备解压.../4-libpng12-0_1.2.50-1ubuntu2.14.04.3_i386.de...
Describe your bug sudo apt-get install nodejs -y fails unpacking the deb file see screen shot Distribution Information: OS: raspberry pi OS 64 bit Version: Bullseye Node Version: Node: 20.8 To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: e...
ubuntu - How do I resolve The following packages have unmet dependencies - Stack Overflow 安装aptitude工具 sudo apt-get install aptitude 使用aptitude安装指定包 sudo aptitude install <package-name>...