以下是一些建议和工具,可以帮助您自动化dpkg/apt-get: 使用非交互式模式:使用--yes或-y选项运行apt-get命令,以确保在安装、升级和卸载软件包时不会出现交互式提示。例如: 代码语言:txt 复制 sudo apt-get update -y sudo apt-get install -y package-name 使用脚本:编写一个包含所有需要的apt-get命令的脚本...
dpkg -S /bin/ls # 输出:coreutils: /bin/ls 3)使用apt-get命令来下载ls命令所在的包的源代码,如下: apt-get source coreutils 注: 1)在使用dpkg时,若出现错误,可以使用sudo命令使其以root权限执行。 2)使用apt-get source下载的源代码保存到当前目录下。。此外,当我们知道了命令所属的包后,也可以到相应...
dpkg -S /bin/ls # 输出:coreutils: /bin/ls 3)使用apt-get命令来下载ls命令所在的包的源代码,如下: apt-get source coreutils 注: 1)在使用dpkg时,若出现错误,可以使用sudo命令使其以root权限执行。 2)使用apt-get source下载的源代码保存到当前目录下。。此外,当我们知道了命令所属的包后,也可以到相应...
1、首先,停止window的MySQL服务,【windows键+R 】打开运行框,输入【services.msc】打开(或者找到“控制面板”-> “管理工具”-> “服务”,停止MySQL后台服务)服务管理器,停止MySQL后台服务。
Command uname in package coreutils Command uname26 in package util-linux Author NAYAK0 commented Jun 8, 2022 uname -m aarch64 Member finagolfin commented Jun 8, 2022 What version of Android are you running? Maybe this is related to this previous issue that only affected older versions of...
apt lacks the fallback code that coreutils has to handleEXDEV. in fuse-overlayfs I've added the check slightly different, and if the source directory is not present in the lower layers, it still succeeds. There is nothing we can do in Podman, it has either to be changed in the linux...
coreutils is already the newest version. cpio is already the newest version. cpp is already the newest version. cpp-4.8 is already the newest version. cracklib-runtime is already the newest version. crda is already the newest version. ...
This would display a list of packages that include the file /usr/bin/ls. To list the files provided by the package coreutils, you would use the command: # apt-file list coreutils This would display a list of all the files provided by the coreutils package. ...
rpm {-F|--freshen} [install-options] PACKAGE_FILE... 对应选项 常用组合 rpm -Uvh PACKAGE_FILE... rpm -Fvh PACKAGE_FILE... 升级注意项: (1) 不要对内核做升级操作;Linux支持多内核版本并存,因此直接安装新版本内核 (2) 如果原程序包的配置文件安装后曾被修改,升级时,新版本提供的同一个配置文件...
install apt-cyg /bin 第1行是使用lynx命令将apt-cyg脚本从网站下载保存至当前目录的apt-cyg文件,第2行是使用install命令将apt-cyg文件安装至/bin目录下,这一步其实包含了两个动作:①将apt-cyg文件复制到/bin目录,②增加/bin/apt-cyg文件可执行权限,这样用户可以在任意位置使用apt-cyg命令。