installed retrieved and installed. New versions of currently installed packages that cannot be upgraded without changing the install status of another package will be left at their current version. An update must be performed first so that apt-get knows that new versions of packages are available. ...
orpackagesnotalready installed retrievedandinstalled.Newversionsofcurrently installed packages that cannot be upgradedwithoutchanging the install statusofanother package will beleftattheircurrent
For example, if you would like to check information of package along with it short description say (version number, check sums, size, installed size, category etc). Use ‘show‘ sub command as shown below. $ apt-cache show netcat Package: netcat Priority: optional Section: universe/net Inst...
8. Install Specific Package Version on Ubuntu Let’s say you wish to install only specific versions of packages, simply use the ‘=‘ with the package name and append desired version. $ sudo apt-get install vsftpd=3.0.5-0ubuntu1 Install Specific Version of Package 9. Uninstall Package Witho...
package will be left at their current version. An update must be performed first so thatapt-getknows that new versions of packages are available.dist-upgradedist-upgrade in addition to performing the function of upgrade, also intelligently handles changing dependencies with new versions of packages;...
apt changelog –spot the latest changes in a package. Example: apt changelog brave-browser will tell me what the latest version of the Brave browser includes compared to its last revision. Contains apt contains –found only in Linux Mint and maybe a few other Ubuntu-derived distros, this co...
only solutions in which they occur. Enter UNINST instead of a version to accept removing the package. ID is the integer printed to the left of the action. <ID>: display information about the action labeled ID from the solution. The label is the integer printed to the left of the ...
only solutions in which they occur. Enter UNINST instead of a version to accept removing the package. ID is the integer printed to the left of the action. <ID>: display information about the action labeled ID from the solution. The label is the integer printed to the left of the ...
I followed the steps in the first message but see all these kind of errors. Why does apt-get attempt to install the deb8u1 version of these packages if deb8u2 is already installed? This type of error is seen for most package installs. Looks like so...
之类的东西,apt-get 一定要用apt-get --list-cleanup update,默认是不删除的,当然也可以直接设置APT::Get::List-Cleanup,不过用命令更方便 4,查看软件版本,aptitude version xx , apt-cache policy xx 5,apt-get的 分享14赞 ubuntukylin吧 有志随心 UK15.04终于能够自动保存屏幕亮度了也许大家都已经发现了,我...