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那编辑layer这一步就可以跳过。需要做的只是检查一下是否有电极文件,没有的话点击工具栏上的contact按钮,根据提示编辑就行了。 如果没有csuprem结构的这一步是点击工具栏的layerbuilder,然后画图编辑保存(这一步自动生成.layer文件)。 2.2.3.根据结构生成仿真输入文件(面向软件) 这一步只需要点击工具栏的Gen.Mesh,...
The True manufacture who provide the customers with best products, We help our customers to solve their needs with customized designs and products.Contact us to be a partner, Visit us on www.apsysnetworks.com Privacy PolicyTerms & ConditionsPolicy Cookies ...
For detailed information on external dependencies please seepom.xml. AGRESTE project is licensed under theApache License 2.0. See the files calledLICENSEandNOTICEfor more information. Contact For general information visit the main project site athttps://github.com/agapsys/agreste...
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