AP | SYS-2722A 音频分析仪|AudioPrecision|双通道模拟音频测试仪厂商名称: AP |AudioPrecisionSystem Two/ AP2700系列是一部和电脑连接工作的多功能音频综合测试仪器。对于客户的不同要求,可以相对数字或模拟提供不同的型号及选件,成为适用的仪器。 模拟和数字测试功能内置标准的串连数码接口格式,例如: AES/EBU(AES...
https://apsys2024.github.io/ 截稿日期: 2024-04-25 通知日期: 2024-07-01 会议日期: 2024-09-04 会议地点: Kyoto, Japan 届数: 15 浏览:21913关注:2参加:0 征稿 The 15th SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems will be held in Kyoto, Japan on September 4-5, 2024. Building on the success...
APSYS, Advanced Physical Models of Semiconductor Devices, is based on 2D/3D finite element analysis of electrical, optical and thermal properties of compound semiconductor devices, with silicon as a special case. Emphasis has been placed on band structure engineering and quantum mechanical effects. Inc...
APSYS是Crosslight公司设计的针对半导体设计的2D/3D有限元素分析软件,它包括了许多物理模型,例如热载流子输运,异质结模型,热分析,拥有强大的模拟功能。APSYS模拟的对象是:硅MOSFET,双极三极管,CCD;SiGe,AlGaAs ,InGaAsP HBT;GaAs MESFET 光电探测器 ;GaN HEMT ;LED ;电吸收调制器 ;有机半导体...
APSYS 背景介绍 先进的半导体器件物理模型仿真软件,此软件能够针对化合物半导体的电、光和热特性作2D/3D有限元分析,其中硅器件为其中一特例,能带结构及量子力学效应为模拟重点,涵括多种光学模块也让这款仿真软件便于模拟感光或发光器件。 应用 二极管、...
APSys 2020 will be held as a virtual conference on August 24-25, 2020. The workshop proceedings will be published as planned. * Call for Papers The 11th ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems will be held in Tsukuba, Japan. Building on the success of its predecessors, APSys 2020 wi...
APSYS拥有应对网络入侵的安全评估体系,并且可以提供相应的服务帮助用户提升自动驾驶、网联汽车的功能安全和网络安全。 APSYS告诉我们,不同的国家对智能网联汽车有不同的解读,大家对它的看法包括它的技术路线有不一样的观点。同时,在这个区域目前没有一个国际性的标准,告诉大家,智能网联汽车应该是什么样,或者它的功能应该...
APSys takes a broad view of systems. This includes operating systems, virtualization, storage systems, distributed systems, mobile, and embedded systems, cloud and data center systems, edge computing, data/graph analytics, networking, security and privacy, dependability, debugging, and manageability, as...