APSIM-wheat is a crop system simulation model, consisting of modules that incorporate aspects of soil water, nitrogen (N), residues, and crop development. The model was used to simulate above- and below-ground growth, grain yield, water and N uptake, and soil water and soil N in wheat ...
Keywords:APSIM;wheat;simulation;leafareaindex 叶片作为植物主要的光合器官,其生长和形态 的模拟是虚拟作物研究的重要组成部分 [1] 。近年 来,在水稻、小麦、玉米、棉花等作物叶片静态结构以 及叶片的空间分布和几何参数等形态模拟方面取得 了一定的研究成果 ...
Performance of the APSIM-wheat model in Western Australia The overall APSIM model predictions of shoot growth, root depth, water and N uptake, soil water, soil N, drainage and nitrate leaching were found to be acceptable. Grain yields were well predicted with a coefficient of determination .....
In this study, we evaluated the suitability of semi-arid region of Central Morocco for wheat production using Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator (APSIM) considering weather, soil properties and crop management production factors. Model calibration
APSIM-Wheat was evaluated with the data recorded from the remaining four sowing dates. The average errors between simulated and observed values for sowing dates were 1.91%, -2.99%, -22.69%, 15.64% and 12.43% for days to anthesis, days to maturity, maximum LAI, grain yield. It was ...
APSIM-wheat is a crop system simulation model, consisting of modules that incorporate aspects of soil water, nitrogen (N), residues, and crop development. The model was used to simulate above- and belowground growth, grain yield, water and N uptake, and soil water and soil N in wheat ...
APSIM-Wheat,目前该模型的最新版本为 APSIM 7.7。模 型的主要驱动要素为常规的气象数据:日尺度的最高、最 低气温、降水、辐射等,涉及到的参数有土壤的水力和养 分、品种和管理参数等(表 2)。关于模型更多的信息和 代码可见官方网址:http://.apsim.info/。 1.2 敏感性分析方法 本研究涉及到的敏感...
Performance of the APSIM-wheat model in western Australia. Field Crops Res. 57, 163-179, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0378- 4290(97)00117-2.Asseng S,Keating BA,Fillery IRP,Gregory PJ,Bowden JW,Turner NC,Palta JA,Abrecht DG. Performance of the APSIM-wheat model in Western Australia....