1.不同气候区和不同产量水平下APSIM-Wheat模型的参数全局敏感性分析2.NAM降雨径流模型的参数全局敏感性分析3.不同参数取值范围下CROPGRO-cotton模型全局敏感性和不确定性分析4.基于Morris、Sobol和EFAST的LID设施模型参数全局敏感性分析5.流域水文模型的参数全局敏感性分析 因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买...
Performance of the APSIM-wheat model in Western Australia The overall APSIM model predictions of shoot growth, root depth, water and N uptake, soil water, soil N, drainage and nitrate leaching were found to be acceptable. Grain yields were well predicted with a coefficient of determination .....
apsim小麦旱地wheat指数leaf 第31c卷第4期2013年7月干旱地区农业研究AgriculturalResearchintheAridAreasVol.31葺No.4Jul.2013 收稿日期:2012 12 19基金项目:B国家自然科学基金资助项目(31060178);甘肃农业大学科技创新基金项目(GAU-CX1011)作者简介:B聂志刚(1980—),男,甘肃高台人,讲师,主要从事农业自动化和数字农业...
APSIM-wheat is a crop system simulation model, consisting of modules that incorporate aspects of soil water, nitrogen (N), residues, and crop development. The model was used to simulate above- and belowground growth, grain yield, water and N uptake, and soil water and soil N in wheat ...
When the phenological statistics from sentinel-2 were used to calibrate APSIM-Wheat, the improved model outperformed the conventional APSIMWheat by 18.65% since the RRMSE improved from 25.99% to 7.34%; RMSE from 1784 Kgha-1 to 501 Kgha-1 and R from o.6 to 0.82 ...
The accuracy or precision of the simulations was comparable to that of other tests of the APSIM-Wheat module in environments where it has not been previously calibrated but was considered too low to be reliable. The lack of reliability was due to the poor representation of local Californi...
Specifically, this study explored the performance of assimilating state observations into the APSIM-Wheat model using a dataset collected during the 2018/19 wheat season at a farm near Cora Lynn in Victoria, Australia. The assimilated state variables include (1) ground-based measurements of Leaf ...
Performance of the APSIM-wheat model in Western Australia. Field Crops Res. 57 (2), 163-179.Asseng, S., Keating, B., Fillery, I.R., Gregory, P., Bowden, J., Turner, N., Palta, J., Abrecht, D., 1998. Performance of the APSIM-wheat model in western Australia. Field Crops...