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Towards structure and metabolism of glycogen C_1-C_6 by localized ~(13)C MRS at 7T using broadband ~1Hdecoupling and low-power NOE by means of bi-level WAL... Whilst in vivo ~(13)C-MRS of glycogen is typically performed via the C1-carbon signal [1, 2], the ~(13)C-MR ...
N=Noe(3) 式中:k为玻耳兹曼常数;T为真空室的温度;P 为真空度;d为气体离子的直径;戈为离子输运的 距离. 因此,对于一定的荷能离子束来说,当其行程 为一个平均自由程单位时,只有46%的离子还保 持着其从离子源出发所获得的能量.其他54%的 离子由于和其他粒子碰撞的原因,能量都发生了 损失.其损失的能量,根...
Fabulous collaboration on website yesandnoe.com. Fast, friendly, constructive and able to translate complex and creative design into user-friendly programming. Love working with Mikkel and his team. Date of experience: December 01, 2023 UsefulShare Advertisement GR Greg 1 review DK Jul 11, 2018...
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pI, 'pa![daI ay mou[ ,uop I,PaIM sMoIqaa sIu6pueAnu8[ sap[noussu pa88nus[neduewoM e apew aey o1 yoaad snoanoe e 8no1 ay aauM wy payseedpuud an pue‘sAoq an jo yrewarquauadw! ue paeada1 s1o1onnsu s 06Jo auo papaood uonsnbu ay syssueus, o ouajosu! o1painq...
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FoFrorinisntsatnacnec,ea, naentwetowrokrokf otwf towlaoylearyse, rws,here wthheefrierstthleayfiersrtislasyiegrmisosidigamnodidthaensdecthoendselcaoynedr liasylienreiasrl,incaeanr,bceatnrabienetrdaitnoeadptporaopxpimroaxtie- any mfuantcetiaonny(fwunitchtioanfi(nwitiethnaumfinbiteer nouf mdi...
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Bom se para executarmos uma função basta colocar () após o nome da função, podemos então substituir o noe da função pela própria declaração dela. Hein? Bom fica mais fácil olhando o código a seguir: function(){ /* code */ }(); // SyntaxError: Unexpected token...