Two experiments, COMET at J-PARC and Mu2e at Fermilab, will search for this process ... JR Quirk,J Miller - APS April Meeting Abstracts 被引量: 0发表: 2016年 加载更多站内活动 0关于我们 百度学术集成海量学术资源,融合人工智能、深度学习、大数据分析等技术,为科研工作者提供全面快捷的学术服务...
Hicks, in First Meeting of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics, J. Phys. : Conf. Ser. 9 , 183 (... WASP Discussion - Aps April Meeting 被引量: 0发表: 2017年 Panel Discussion editorsIOPJournal of Physics ConferenceK. Hicks, in First Meeting of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic...
AbstractDeadlineforApril2013Meeting: Friday,January11,2013,5PMEST ThedeadlineforsubmittingyourabstracttofortheApril2013APSmeeting inDenverisfastapproaching! •Allabstractsmustbesubmittedonlineathttp://abs.aps/. •Allsubmissionguidelinesanddetailscanbefoundonlineat: ...
Only online submissions are accepted. Other forms of submission will not be considered. Abstracts should contain original material that has neither been published nor presented at another International meeting at the time of submission. In addition, abstracts should not be submitted to international mee...
who submitted 5 or more abstracts to the 1980 APS-SPR meeting and have evaluated the potential effects of multiple abstract submission on the selection process. Investigators whose name appeared last on 50% or more of the abstracts were excluded. Forty-five HOI's submitted 276 abstracts (mean ...
APS Southeastern Section Meeting AbstractsHaase, Dr. David G. and Schulze, Dr. Sharon K., The Science House North Carolina State University. "The Conference on K-12 Outreach from University Science Departments: 2004" (2004): The ... DG Haase,SK Schulze - APS Southeastern Section Meeting Abst...
education of young colleagues. It is therefore a pleasure to work on standards for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery training and present regular educational events in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Preparation of the scientific programme of the next biennial meeting in Göteborg, April 24 has already been ...
education of young colleagues. It is therefore a pleasure to work on standards for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery training and present regular educational events in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Preparation of the scientific programme of the next biennial meeting in Göteborg, April 24 has already been ...
To those of us who have been long involved in FPS affairs, it seems but yesterday that we attended the organizing meeting at the 1972 APS San Francisco meeting. As the APS celebrates its centennial by looking back over its first ... DW Hafemeister - Aps April Meeting 被引量: 0发表: 20...
(b) For the first time in 17 years it had been possible for a public invitation to be given to one of the key players at the infamous Baltimore APS Meeting in 1989 at which he had vilified Fleischmann and Pons (F&P) as “incompetent” and “delusional” to attend a CF session in ...