LoRa ESP32 KISS Bluetooth modem (for APRSDroid or aprs.fi iOS) + APRS-IS RX/TX iGate over WiFi + Digipeater + DV (with Codec2 Walkie-Talkie) tracker iot esp32 ham-radio amateur-radio kiss lora lora-server aprs lorawan tnc uhf lora-gateway codec2 aprs-tracker aprsis esp32-ardunio ...
Command R0 to reset and restart For example: Send customized information via 51TNC, fill in the customized information 123456A0 After sending this beacon, the relay DIGI 1 will be closed APRS 51WG5 IGATE/DIGI/TRACK/GPS/BD//BLUETOOTH/WIFI/USB/4G Venus Fixed station settings lat represents the...