IMPACTO AMBIENTAL DE LAS TECNOLOGÍAS DE APROVECHAMIENTO ENERGÉTICO DE LA BIOMASA. (Spanish).(English):The renewable energies have been considered as clean energy sources, but in fact we should talk about energy source of minimum impact. In the case of biomass, different from what happens ...
METODOLOGíA PARA EL APROVECHAMIENTO DEL POTENCIAL ENERGéTICO CON BIOMASA FORESTAL EN EL DEPARTAMENTO DE NARIO: CASO DE ESTUDIOIntroduction: This article is the result of the research project "Analysis of energy opportunities with alternative sources in the Department of Nario-Alte...
ESTUDIO COMPARATIVO DE LOS AHORROS ENERGÉTICOS DE UN SISTEMA DE APROVECHAMIENTO TÉRMICO DE BIOMASA FRENTE A SISTEMAS CONVENCIONALES INSTALADOS EN EDIFICIOS TERCIARIOS.In recent years, is witnessing a steady increase in fuel prices. This global situation is caused by factors including climate ...