Transparency International UK found a significant correlation between shell companies, and elevated prices. London for instance, has 87,000 homes owned by anonymous companies. According to Christoph Trautvetter of Netzwerk Steuergerechtigkeit, the estimated impact from dirty money in London is20% of t...
The development of colleges and universities worldwide, most notably in the United States, would expand food chemistry with research of thedietary substances, most notably the Single-grain experiment during 1907-1911. Additional research by Harvey W. Wiley at the United States Department of Agricultur...
The Hierophant is the card of hospitals, publishers, universities and schools. Possibly things may enter a new phase, and in some cases, start to ease or start to return to normal in these sectors after this date. In other news A New Moon in Taurus suggests taking it easy. Don’t compl...
Robert Michaelson of Northwestern U added that “Libraries and universities – especially faculty – need to stand up to “The New Elsevier”, which is displaying the avarice of the original model.” Dana Roth of Caltech also pointed out that Nature Protocols (putatively online only) is also ...
Briefly, the concept, as illustrated in Figure 2, is to intake sample VOCs, which are sensed by miniaturized chemical sensor arrays (analogous to a dog’s nose), and then processed/analyzed (via pattern recognition/analysis as by a dog’s brain) utilizing methods such as artificial neural ...
The EIA featured this news on their Today in Energy page on June 26th, the day after the data was published. The Table immediately above shows the absolute amounts of electricity generated in gigawatt-hours by the main sources for the last two months and the year to date. In April, the...
We keep in touch and I now have both a lovely new aunt and a friend. My third finding was an 89-year-old gentleman called Don Cruden, a navigator who was in the same RAAF intake as John, and so he mirrored John’s training from Sydney to Bournemouth, via Canada. He didn’t know...
The plans are currently being developed by the Education Governance Oversight Board (EGOB), which is chaired by Peter Kopelman and includes the UK’s four chief pharmaceutical officers, as well as representatives from the RPS, the GPhC, NHS Education and Training, universities and employers. ...
Most business schools exist as parts of universities, and universities are generally understood as institutions with responsibilities to the societies they serve. Why then do we assume that degree courses in business should only teach one form of organisation – capitalism – as if that were the on...
The comunists taking over the US are the ones who brainwash students in high schools and universities, make them into Marxists and identity politics zombies, advocate open borders and illegal immigration to increase the population of left leaning Mexicans and Central Americans. The trend is clear,...