愚人节的活动 The "April fish" is one of many April Fools' pranks. It comes from the French "poisson d’avril." Paper fish are often put on someone's back as a joke because the fish are said to be young and, therefore, easily ...
Love April Fools jokes for kids? This silly joke teller is full of mixed up jokes and answers that will have kids of all ages laughing! Grab the free printable for a fun April Fool’s prank! This post uses affiliate links.They don’t cost you a thing and help us bring you free prin...
April Fools' Tricks _ April Fools' Day Story _ Stories for Kids _ Make an April http://t.cn/A6cwVAKh
小森查了一下维基百科:“愚人节”的主词条是:April Fools' Day,这里的 Fools 用的是复数。 但第一句的定义中,也提到可以用 April Fool’s Day 表达,所以两种用法都是可以的。但是主流写法是复数 April Fools’ Day。 🌰举个例子You may ...
The "April fish" is one of many April Fools' pranks. It comes from the French "poisson d’avril." Paper fish are often put on someone's back as a joke because the fish are said to be young and, therefore, easily caught. Those who get the fish placed on their backs are seen as ...
网址:https://www.npr.org/2022/04/01/1089947257/april-fools-day-history 世界上许多国家都在4月1日庆祝愚人节。在这天,人们会互相开玩笑,并想方设法让对方相信一些假的事儿。 play tricks on sb 跟某人开玩笑;捉弄某人 Ever wonder where April Fools’ Day came from? In fact, nobody seems to know...
This holiday originated in France.When the French first adopted the Gregorian calendar in 1564,some people continued to use the old calendar to celebrate New Year's Day on April 1.These people were called April Fools.The custom of playing tricks on this day became popular in France and then...
Those who still celebrated the New Year on 1st April were called fools. Sowhat kind of tricks do people play on April Fool's Day? Well, there are lots ofsimple tricks that you can play on your friends. For example, you could wear ablack sweater and pull a piece of white thread ...
On April 1st, April Fools Day, friends play fun tricks on each other. One year at college my friends and I wanted to play a really big trick on our teacher, Jason. He was a fun guy who loved tricks. My friends and I bought 300 balloons and a lot of colored paper. Then we began...
不过,不管是怎样的jokes/tricks/pranks/hoaxes,一般都会是harmless(无害的), not meant to harm anyone(不会伤害人的), just for fun(只是为了好玩的)!如果你也兴趣参与一下愚人节的风俗,别忘了这一点哦! Did you have anytricks,jokes,pranksorhoaxesfor this April Fools’ Day?