April Fools' day- the first day of April which is celebrated by playing practical jokes All Fools' day,April Fools' day- a day assigned to a particular purpose or observance; "Mother's Day" Apr,April- the month following March and preceding May ...
April Fools' Day愚人节skyword愚人不如悦己 skyword 美好生活 绝不滥“愚”充数 品质 优质生活,绝不容忍“愚”弄 凌云玉石的每一款玉石产品 严格遵循高标准品质,绝不以次充好 但,有一种错觉设计,专门“欺骗”你的眼睛! PART.01 一轮明月视觉“错觉...
April Fools' Day是美国的正式说法,April Fool's Day 不是标准说法。但在真实语境中,April Fools' Day 和 April Fool's Day 的使用频率差不多。虽然说两个都可以,但我们在学习过程中,还是尽量使用正式说法,即April Fools' Day。大家都知道,每个节日都会有一些特别的节日传统,愚人节也不例外,而愚人节的...
April Fools’ Day, in most countries the first day of April. It received its name from the custom of playing practical jokes on this day. Although the day has been observed for centuries, its true origins are unknown and effectively unknowable.
April Fools’ Day—occurring on April 1 each year—has been celebrated for several centuries by different cultures, though its exact origins remain a mystery. April Fools' Day traditions include playing hoaxes or practical jokes on others, often yelling “April Fools!” at the end to clue in ...
April Fools’ Day, also called All Fools’ Day, is celebrated every April 1st in the United States. While it is not officially recognized as a holiday, many celebrate by pranking, or pulling practical jokes on, their colleagues or by organizing larger-scale hoaxes. As April Fools’ is ...
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百度百科对“愚人节”的翻译是April Fool's Day,但英美网络多使用April Fools' Day, 比如britannica,usatoday等网站。词典也不太统一。它在《韦伯词典(Webster's Dictionary)》,《柯林斯英语词典》和《朗文当代英语词典》等中是April Fools' Day,而在《牛津高级学者辞典》、《柯林斯高级学者辞典》和《剑桥高级...