愚人节 = April Fool's Day 其实这两种说法都是在维基百科上查询愚人节的英语地道表达方式。 April Fools' Day是美国的正式说法,April Fool's Day 不是标准说法。但在真实语境中,April Fools' Day 和 April Fool's Day 的使用频率差...
April Fools' Day that day.Marking jokes only ___9___ until noon of the day.The rule is rigid and everybody.Anyone who tries to make a fool after midday si a piece of poem goes:"April Fools'Day is gone and past.You are the biggest food at last.When April Fools'Day comes again,...
参考译文 “作为我们专题新闻节目的结尾,”电视广播员说,“我们现在到克拉布利亚的通心粉田里。通心粉在这个地区已经种植了600多年了。两个主要种植者,朱塞皮.莫尔道瓦和里卡多.布拉班特告诉我,他们一直期待着今年获得一个大丰收,收割工作比往年开始要早些。这里您可以看到两个工人,他们协力割下了3车金...
April Fools' Day that day.Marking jokes only ___9___ until noon of the day.The rule is rigid and everybody.Anyone who tries to make a fool after midday si a piece of poem goes:"April Fools'Day is gone and past.You are the biggest food at last.When April Fools'Day comes again,...
RAZ-M6 RAZ-M · 目录 上一篇RAZ-M03 Animal Defenses下一篇RAZ-M05 Art Around Us喜欢此内容的人还喜欢 RAZ-K80 What Built This 妈妈教英语 不喜欢 不看的原因确定 内容低质 不看此公众号内容 【Sunny姐姐心灵小屋】不说“不”字,一样可以拒绝别人 Sunny姐姐讲...
阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(10分)April Fools' Day is a day to play jokes on others. No one knows
April Fools Day课文翻译 篇1 April Fool's Day April 1st April Fool's Day is traditionally a day to play practical jokes on others, send people on fool's errands, and fool the unsuspecting. No one knows how this holiday began but it was thought to have originated in France. The closest...
学科网为您提供新概念第二册Lesson 76 April Fools' Day 愚人节 讲义精品资料,欢迎您下载使用,获取更多高中英语讲义优质资源请关注学科网
愚人节 = April Fool's Day ✔️ 这两种表达方法都是正确的。在维基百科上查询,出来的也是这两种表达混搭。April Fools' Day是美国的正式说法,April Fool's Day 不是标准说法。但在真实语境中,April Fools' Day 和 April Fool's Day 的使用频率差不多。虽然说两个都可以,但我们在学习过程中,还是...