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April Fools!Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes Pornhub just took five years off a lot of people's lives. The porn site played a pretty mean and also hilarious April Fools' Day joke on its users. SEE ALSO:The Most Popular Time for Porn: America's Handy Infographic ...
Don't miss out on this fun chance to experience April Fool's Day deals and to have lots of fun with friends. DX is dedicated to bringing the best service as well as the largest array of hot product offerings to its customers. DX always provides free worldwide shipping and t...
April Fools’ Day 2023: the best and cringiest pranks See all 17 stories Posted Apr 2, 2023 At 1:49 AM GMT+8 Richard Lawler A bit obvious, and I’m surprised if they hadn’t done this one already. The only gaming mouse with both Chroma RGB and 360 fps (follicles per second), etc...
April Fools' day as an adult (or like, semi-adult) can be a real drag: you've seen it all. You've seen the thumbtack on the chair, and the stapler in the Jell-o. You know who hasn't seen it all? Kids. Babies. Children. Innocent li'l kids who have no idea what fiendish ...
On April Fools’ Day, people in Western countries play tricks on each other. However, there is one rule for the jokes: they ___ be fun and ___ hurt anyone’s feelings. A. should; oughtn’t B. can; cannot C. must; shouldn’t D. need; mustn’t 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: On...
Buy an NVIDIA RTX 4090, get an Intel A750 GPU for free from Japanese retailerThis is one of the more bizarre bundle deals we've ever seen, but there are several catches to bear in mind here, including a very limited stock.Apr 21, 2023 2:17 PM CDT Acer Predator X34 V is a new ...
People across the country spent a portion of Thursday trying to decide what news items were real and which weren’t. Here are a few of the April Fools’ Day pranks that hit the music industry. One prank that may have snared a few people who thought it was still march was ane-mail fr...
Wichita police said the April Fools’ Day prank 58-year-old Arnthia Willis played on her relative landed her behind bars. (Source: Sedgwick County Sheriff’s Office) WICHITA, Kan. - Many April Fools’ Day pranks are harmless fun, but police said the one 58-year-old Arnt...
Laugh it up! The 30 best April Fools’ Day tech jokes of 2016 The new Send + Mic Drop feature was introduced with the claim that “friends and family have been testing Gmail Mic Drop for months, and the response so far has been awesome.” When you clicked on the Mic Drop button, ac...