This year: 2025年4月1日星期二 Next year: 2026年4月1日星期三 Last year: 2024年4月1日星期一 Type: Worldwide Observance List of dates for other years When is April Fools' Day, also known as All Fool's Day? This is a day for tricks, pranks, and jokes. Pranksters on April Fool'...
April Fool’s Day is observed on April 1 in Ukraine. It is also known as Humor Day or Day of Laughter, as it is a day when people play jokes and tricks on each other. Is April Fools a Public Holiday? April Fools is not a public holiday. Businesses have normal opening hours. Jokes...
April Fool's Day 2025, April Fool's Day 2026 and further. On this page you will find information about April Fool's Day 2025, 2026 and beyond. What is open and closed on April Fool's Day 2025?
April Fools Dayis in 63 days Dates of April Fools Day around the world 2026InternationalApr 1 2025InternationalApr 1 2024InternationalApr 1 2023InternationalApr 1 2022InternationalApr 1 Summary The day is observed by trying to play a practical joke on a victim who becomes known as an April Foo...
April Fool's Day 2025, April Fool's Day 2026 and further. View here the holidays in the United States in 2025, including April Fool's Day 2025, April Fool's Day 2026 and further and also every other holiday in the USA.
The New York April Fools’ Committee Proudly Announces NEW YORK CITY’S 38th ANNUAL APRIL FOOLS’ DAY PARADE “Count Down to Complete Idiocy” New York’s irreverent April Fools’ Day Parade returns, poking fun at the past year’s displays of hype, hypo
April Fools' day (redirected fromApril-Fools' Day) Thesaurus Encyclopedia April Fools' Day n. April 1, celebrated in various countries, including the United States and Great Britain, and marked by the playing of practical jokes. Also calledAll Fools' Day. ...
Lesson 76 April Fools' Day愚人节First listen and then answer the question.听录音,然后回答以下问题。What was the joke? 'To end our special news bulletin,' said the voice of the television announcer, 'we're going over to the ...
愚人節(April Fool's Day、April Fool's Day或All Fools' Day)也称万愚節、幽默節,是西方社会民间传统節日,節期在每年4月1日。这一天,人们以多种方式开周围的人的玩笑,上当者当被告知是愚人節时,才恍然大悟,但是,玩笑最晚只能开到中午12点,这是约定俗成的严格规矩。“愚人節”是公元十五世纪宗教革命之后始...