April Fool’s Day-History_2000字 Unlike most of the other nonfoolish holidays, the history of April Fool's Day, sometimes called All Fool's Day, is not totally clear. There really wasn't a "first April Fool's Day" that can be pinpointed on the calendar. Some believe it sort of ev...
Lesson 76 April Fools' Day愚人节First listen and then answer the question.听录音,然后回答以下问题。What was the joke? 'To end our special news bulletin,' said the voice of the television announcer, 'we're going over to the ...
每年4月1日,是西方闻名的愚人节。英语是April Fool’s Day,April Fools’ Day或All Fool’s Day。 这一天,人们尽可以发挥自己丰富的想象力,哄骗、取笑、愚弄他人。 这一天,如果有人祝福你:Happy April Fool’s Day!那可能已成为被愚弄的人(an April Fool)。 In sixteent...
April Fools Day课文翻译 篇1 April Fool's Day April 1st April Fool's Day is traditionally a day to play practical jokes on others, send people on fool's errands, and fool the unsuspecting. No one knows how this holiday began but it was thought to have originated in France. The closest...
新概念英语第二册 第76课 April fools' day 课文所表达的意义 What was the joke? 课文所表达的意义是什么?和愚人节又有什么联系?
Those who still celebrated the New Year on 1st April were called fools. Sowhat kind of tricks do people play on April Fool's Day? Well, there are lots ofsimple tricks that you can play on your friends. For example, you could wear ablack sweater and pull a piece of white thread ...
April Fools Day课⽂翻译 April Fool's Day的意思是愚⼈节。下⾯⼩编给⼤家带来April Fool's Day课⽂翻译,欢迎⼤家阅读。 April Fool's Day课⽂原⽂ April Fool's Day April 1st April Fool's Day is traditionally a day to play practical jokes on others, send ...
英文儿歌歌曲aprilapril fools day英语启蒙少儿英语单词april英文儿歌april清华幼儿英语April foolapril青少儿英语APRIL缩写英文儿歌april少儿英语单词april少儿英语april少儿英语启蒙 064_The April Fool FunFunZoe55 英语听力50篇-3.April Fool's Day 学习76种语言的网站13.52万 就不能正正经经过一个April Fool's Day...