Why would a team of Christian scholars collaborate on a book that dares to give practical advice on what we should eat, what clothes we should wear, and even what kind of house we should live in.” He clarifies, though, reminding us that “the gospel that we are to bring to the ...
Let me begin with the most important observation: in 36 sermons, the good news of Jesus Christ’s life, death, and resurrection was unclear 36 times. Often, some or all of these facets of the Christian gospel were left out. “No gospel” became a common note. (Here’s an answer to ...
I remember a pastor of a mega-church that would begin sermon series on various topics and never complete them. He had one that was on “mission, vision and passion” which died somewhere around the eighth week of hour-long sermons into the mission section. The sad thing is I can’t eve...
Padraig O’Tuama describes himself as a “gay catholic theologian” he is also a poet and a troubadour. I was introduced to his work byPeter Rollinsand I have spent much of this week enjoying his book of poetry:“Readings from the Book of Exile”. O’Tuama is quite the performer. I ...
During the weeks of Lent in 387 AD, John Chrysostom preached 21 sermons in which he entreated the people to see the error of their ways. These sermons had a lasting impression on the citizens of Antioch. This resulted in many pagans converting to Christianity. Due to the conversions, Theodos...
- 1990 Father SALVATORE DE RUGGIERO, he was the first to publish the Sermons of the Founder as an appendix to the "Life" written by Guy Chastel (1933). 13 April - 1546 Venerable Father JAMES ANTHONY MORIGIA (1497-1546), Co-Founder and 1st Superior General (1536-42). 14 April - 164...
23: Sermons on the Gospel of St. John: Chapters 6-8 (Edited by Jaroslav Jan Pelikan, Hilton C. Oswald and Helmut T. Lehmann; Saint Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1999), 58. Ah! Good news! Posted in Forgiveness, Giving, Grace, Justification, Martin Luther, Peace on 23 April, 2008...
(Easter Vigil) Saturday, 26 March 2016 : Easter Vigil of the Resurrection of the Lord, Holy Week (Gospel Reading)(petercanisiusmichaeldavidkang.com) Easter Sunrise: Up and Out! 20160327 RSUMC(mysundaysermons.com) Opinion: Resurrection major message of Easter(cnjonline.com) ...
He is a Roman Catholic, but one that many in his church would choose to excommunicate. Under his guidance, New York recognizes gay marriage and has the most humane abortion law to be found in America. It is clear from his presence that he is a man of deep faith, but also one whose ...
Edition,. , rope, from Catholic and Piotrstaut h* nin*. thegieat poets of Europe ami onr own land, a sin m«*>; wmi i sM'ihkb VotCbb FHoM TH H SHU IT-LAND. U hatever seetiled best to illustrate and ex pie** tin* vi*dim of the >t Hit catrlilng_2 gllnipM'Hof the ...