I first thought it was a hack because we are playing against a russian league, but it seems to be an update bug🙄🤬 @mendozzamagicand to all, Not only the updates in the league are affected🙄 In VS, I've noticed that the chances have now been adjusted again in favour of weaker...
Pogo And the current generation forgets that Ceres and a few other bodies discovered in the early 19th century were considered planets until they realized that there were many in the same vicinity between Mars and Jupiter. Should Ceres also be considered a planet? What about those objects disco...
@yinxie1963 the league issue is being looked into - you can work around it by force closing the game between each league turn, but it will be fixed shortly - 8055991
Need help! @WalmartBagg44, Have you tried using the server browser to find servers with active players in your region? In the server browser, you can sort servers by Ping, Players, Game modes, etc. As the CM has said , you want to find on the main screen , the Icon that says por...
So despite the state of the game, lack of 90% of the features and several updates, still no M&K support for console? EA's AAA (Long shot calling it AAA), cross platform game, in 2022, without Mouse and Keyboard on consoles?
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves?Try to open app What happens when the bug occurs?Every time I try to open app What do you expect to see?The app to open The EA App is still doing this error in April 2023. We have given permissions via AVG for every .exe possible on...
My sims 4 game keeps crashing on my 2019 MacBook Pro. Every time I click play and get to the first loading screen, it will load but then suddenly crash... - 8567657
Hi guys, if you didn't see it before, Respawn have released a series of short videos addressing some of the big questions around the game. Dealing with... - 5542327