In 1905…much rain and some snow occurred over the 5 days behind an apparent cold front. Precipitation totaled 2.00 inches. There was a thunderstorm on the 3rd. Snowfall totaled 3.0 inches on the 4th. North winds were sustained to 34 mph on the 1st and 2nd and to 30 mph on the 3rd. ...
Their first week back contained some of the hottest days we’ve had all summer, highs reaching 106 and 107 on a couple of the days. And when they get dropped off from school, it’s about the hottest part of the afternoon, so we took an umbrella up and met them at the bus stop. ...
15 days for salt and 25 days for mannitol treatment. Yeast Two hybrid assay LUH, SLK1 and SLK2 cDNA clones were obtained from Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center. The cDNA clones were amplified by PCR with Pfu ultra and cloned in frame by In Fusion HD Cloning Plus into vector pGBKT7 ...
问:L/C 最晚装期 4 月 15 日,效期 4 月 25 日,未规定交单期,若 B/L , 4 月 3 日, 4 月 15 日议付,过期否? 否。 11 问:DOCUMENTS MUST BE PRESENTED FOR NEGOTIATION WITHIN 10 DAYS,FROM B/L DATE,或AFTER B/L DATE,若B/L为1日,则最晚交单期分别为多少? 最晚交单日分别为10日和11...
Also, I notice that there have been some wonderful posts recently on the American Indian and different facets of their encounters with the U.S. Cavalry, as well as with government agents. One was by Jennifer Uhlarik and the other by Kristy McCaffrey. If you go back a few days in posts...
In truth, soon I will be losing no time in taking the stagecoach once again, travelling back to Paris across the fields of Touraine and Poitou that I thought I should never see again. During my first days back in Paris I had a lot of trouble persuading myself that I had not indeed ...
Let’s talk aboutApril 2025. It’s got 30 days. Some big days areEasterMonday on April 21 and Tax Day on April 15. If you’re too busy to remember, we’ll give you a calendar with these days marked. Now, let’s look at what these days mean!
I shot a number of rolls of Ektachrome E100VS back in my film days. Most of these pictures are stored away in little yellow boxes, but a few images have been scanned. Obviously, the scanner—and especially the quality of the scan—has an impact on the photo rendering. The four images...
On the days I double-cleanse my skin, I’ve been using Mutha’s new Oil-to-Gel Cleanser as the first step. Not only does it leave my sensitive skin feeling clean and not stripped of moisture but it easily breaks down any eye makeup I may be wearing that day. Plus, though free ...
People who fail to show up for a military summons without a valid reason within 20 days will face restrictions, such as being unable to register a vehicle and drive it, being unable to register an apartment, being unable to register as an individual entrepreneur or as self-employed, and be...