too small, they had a duplicate, or it just wasn’t something they wanted. They didn’t reject it out of malice, but it can still hurt. Jesus Christ gave all of us who believe the means to eternal life.
“Monks and nuns are the beating heart of the proclamation of the Gospel: their prayer is oxygen for all the members of the Body of Christ, the invisible force that sustains the mission. #GeneralAudience”@Pontifex, 26 April 2023 Papal Instagram Franciscus 0 comment 0Facebook My Reflection o...
Now the mirror sits in her office like a bitter mockery of what might have been — until the day her reflection turns into a handsome stranger who calls himself the Man in the Moon and offers her visions of a world that might have been. Visions that ignite a longing of an intensity she...
Spurgeon believed that the substitutionary, penal, atoning death of Christ on the cross provided Christians cause for “daily adoration and hourly thankfulness.” In Spurgeon’s view, “since Jesus has loved us so well,” it was impossible not to “give to him all that we are, and all th...
Reflection for April 10, 2012: Tuesday in the Octave of Easter. The gospel reading for today invites us to view the Resurrection through the eyes of Mary Magdalene. I find it very easy to identify with Mary because she is so human. She is very emotional and she vigorously reacts to even...
resolution fails to meet these moral criteria.” In short, your budget appears to reflect the values of your favorite philosopher, Ayn Rand, rather than the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Her call to selfishness and her antagonism toward religion are antithetical to the Gospel values of compassion and...
resurrection of Aslan, but also in his choice of re-telling the Gospel story in the form of a fantasy novel. The story concludes by the shores of Narnia, by the great ocean ruled by Neptune, a symbol of the eternal realm. As Ward writes,...