Their first week back contained some of the hottest days we’ve had all summer, highs reaching 106 and 107 on a couple of the days. And when they get dropped off from school, it’s about the hottest part of the afternoon, so we took an umbrella up and met them at the bus stop. ...
On the iPad I was fiddling around withVinylize Me. TheCamelot UnchainedKickstarterhad kicked offwith a steep $2 million goal. With only three days left to go the campaignwas $400K short. Not sure if Mark Jacobs’dire vision of the future of F2Phelped or hurt. Meanwhile, Lord British’s...
We need to pay in Paris. =P But too bad we dont have much time in London, only around 1.5 days. Dont even have time to meet dear Gen there as she’s only available that monday evening and we planned to catch a musical. Musicals are only available in the evenings and we only have...
People who fail to show up for a military summons without a valid reason within 20 days will face restrictions, such as being unable to register a vehicle and drive it, being unable to register an apartment, being unable to register as an individual entrepreneur or as self-employed, and be...
As previouslydocumented by GMD’s Sue Prent,the alleged Democrat and environmentalist said some very curious things to Seven Days’ Paul “The Huntsman” Heintz a while back: “I think what I don’t like about the extremists on the climate issue … is that somehow this is all being caused...
In 1905…much rain and some snow occurred over the 5 days behind an apparent cold front. Precipitation totaled 2.00 inches. There was a thunderstorm on the 3rd. Snowfall totaled 3.0 inches on the 4th. North winds were sustained to 34 mph on the 1st and 2nd and to 30 mph on the 3rd....
Every month we’ll round up our readers’ favorite products — those products readers like you scooped up the most over the past 30 days. Outside my window, the sun is shining high and yellow, and some evenings I even have to switch on the air conditioning. Yes, the fi...
On the days I double-cleanse my skin, I’ve been using Mutha’s new Oil-to-Gel Cleanser as the first step. Not only does it leave my sensitive skin feeling clean and not stripped of moisture but it easily breaks down any eye makeup I may be wearing that day. Plus, though free ...
Sorry. >.<” [but everyone has their vacations so they have their days when they can say that :P] It’s 2:30 already! Just went out and had lunch with 2 of my co-workers (yea.. not very popular at work LOL). 3 hours before official unemployment! .. ...
None of these are that bad, but the themeless bar is so high these days. So many people can create snazzy themelesses with very little to no glue; that's become my expectation. Super fun to see LMAO. Will and I talked two years ago about using the word "ass" — he said the NYT...