1650 French rebel Henri de la Tour Turenne signs treaty with Spain on this day in history. 1651 On this day in history jean-Baptiste de la Salle, French priest/theorist/saint 1658 On this day in history montreal Quebec, Marguerite Bourgeoys opens Ville Marie's first school for French and...
of El Escorial in El Escorial, Spain Wikipedia: Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor Charles’ vast territories included the Holy Roman Empire, extending from Germany to northern Italy with direct rule overthe Austrian hereditarylands and the Burgundian Low Countries, and a unified Spain with its southern...
or simply from employers swayed by the rhetoric) without the pre-conditions for growth in productivity is just a recipe for more unemployment (for New Zealanders), and the sort of insider/outsider bifurcated labour market that has given Spain what has long been one of the worst unemployment rec...
The Doomswomanis set in the days when America and Spanish-controlled Mexico vied for control of California. Doña Chonita Iturbi y Moncada is the daughter of an old Castilian family, one with long roots in Mexico and a great patriotic feeling for Mexico and Spain. But when she meets Don ...
In 1492 Spain gaveChristopher Columbushis commission of exploration. Click to go to larger version of image In 1598 Henry IV of France issued theEdict of Nantes, allowing freedom of religion to the Huguenots. In 1927 actors Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford become the first to leave their foo...
NOXS - Fp Francois Paget France McAfee (France) VirusScan Fs Patrik Runald - F-Secure - Gb Gerald Batten Canada Independent - Id Ken Dunham USA iDefense - Is Jim Wu USA ISS - Jc Luogang Asia Beijing Rising Rising Jd Joost de Raeymaeker Portugal RSVP - Jg Jordi Garcia Spain SATINFO ...
As described in our previous study [11], RT-PCR was performed based on diagnostic kits with CE IVD certification – Viasure SARS-CoV-2 Real-Time PCR Detection Kit (Certest Biotec S.L., San Mateo de Gallego, Spain), MediPan 2G + Fast COVID Kit (Medicofarma, Radom, Poland), 2019 Nove...
C*04:01:152 2022TB18405 OQ934036 Dr Keming Du, Shanghai, China C*04:01:153 DKMS-LSL_ID15983895 OX360073 DKMS Life Sciences Lab., Dresden, Germany C*04:202:02 822005974 OQ919492 Dr Dolores Planelles, Valencia, Spain C*04:503Q HG00051053 OQ867223 Histogenetics, Ossining, USA C*04:...