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在我们之后,洪水滔天。1、语系:法语。2、语法:apres 是之后的意思,nous 是我们的意思 ,le 是阳性定冠词 ,deluge 就是大洪水,直译就是在我们之后,洪水暴雨。3、来源:这是套用路易十五的名言:Après moi, le déluge!(我死后,任它洪水滔天!)...
Apr nous le duge-acte I Raison d'etre The Final Wagon Moribund De Profundis Death Brightens with Sorrow Ignesco Comburo Memento Mori Apr nous le Duge-acte II. 喜欢听"Apres Nous Le Deluge"的人也喜欢的唱片 ··· Undēina 8.6 The Eternal Return 8.1 Shall Love Fall From View? 8.8...
Apres nous le deluge. Still, not to lag behind the rest of the world, we read the book in which the new theory is promulgated. We took it up, like our neighbors, and, as was natural, in a somewhat captious frame of mind. 这是我们惯常的思维状态,可以肯定的是,尽管《物种起源》(全名...
Define Apresoline. Apresoline synonyms, Apresoline pronunciation, Apresoline translation, English dictionary definition of Apresoline. Noun 1. Apresoline - an antihypertensive drug that dilates blood vessels; used to treat hypertension and congestive hea
Chapter 31: Apres Nous Le Deluge Posted June 29, 2019 at 12:00 am Welcome to chapter 31! This is our very first two-page cover! Because of the nature of the main website, we can only show a portion of it. Click here to see the full cover on our Patreon! Tags: Wendy Shepard ...
Define Apres ski. Apres ski synonyms, Apres ski pronunciation, Apres ski translation, English dictionary definition of Apres ski. n. Social events or activities that take place after skiing. adj. Concerned with or designed for use after skiing: après-sk
Define apres-ski. apres-ski synonyms, apres-ski pronunciation, apres-ski translation, English dictionary definition of apres-ski. n. Social events or activities that take place after skiing. adj. Concerned with or designed for use after skiing: après-sk
在我们之后,洪水滔天。1、语系:法语。2、语法:apres 是之后的意思,nous 是我们的意思 ,le 是阳性定冠词 ,deluge 就是大洪水,直译就是在我们之后,洪水暴雨。3、来源:这是套用路易十五的名言:Après moi, le déluge!(我死后,任它洪水滔天!)...
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