Advanced Power Reactor (APR-1400) is a Generation III+ Pressurized Water Reactor (PWRs) and has gained popularity among energy mix community. APR-1400 features enhanced safety limits to prevent a "Fukushima-type" accident scenario for a duration up to 8 hours. This work proposes a system that...
韩国APR1400达到单机140万千瓦 韩国近年开发的APR(Advanced Power Reactor)1400成为世界首创的大容量商用压水堆(APWR)。它是从1992年6月着手开发,在2O多年核电建造与运行经验基础上,融合世界先进技术开发而成的。 2002年5月7日,韩国国家核电管理部门——KINS为APR1400颁发了标准设计许可证(DC)。目前韩国正建造下一...
after which it completed a preliminary inspection by the regulator. The loading of 241 fuel assemblies into the reactor's core was carried out between 11 and 18 September. High-temperature functional tests were subsequently conducted.
DESIGN OF ADVANCED POWER REACTOR (APR1400) IC SYSTEM 机译:先进电抗器(APR1400)I&C系统设计 获取原文 获取原文并翻译 | 示例 获取外文期刊封面目录资料页面导航 摘要 著录项 相似文献 相关主题 摘要 Advanced Power Reactor 1400 (APR1400) Man-Machine Interface Systems ...
Also, ECCS water is injected directly into the reactor vessel upper downcomer, 2 m above the cold-leg centerline. With these design characteristics, more complex thermal-hydraulic phenomena can be observed in a large-break loss-of-coolant accident (LBLOCA) scenario. In this paper, the effects ...
The present paper provides experimental results obtained in the full-scale tests for the performance evaluation of the passive flow controlling device, called Fluidic Device, which is expected to be adopted in a Korean next generation reactor (APR1400). The tests have been carried out using the ...
A series of sparger tests have been conducted to investigate the performance of a steam sparger, which will be used in a Korean Advanced Power Reactor, APR1400. The tests have been conducted at the Blowdown and Condensation Loop in the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute using a prototypic ...
In January 2008 the Korean nuclear industry is scheduled take a significant -albeit considerably postponed - step forward with the long awaited start of site excavation for Shin-Kori 3 and 4, the first APR1400 (Advanced Power Reactor) units. These are Generation III pressurised water reactors and...
A human factors validation system for the main control room (MCR) of Advanced Power Reactor 1400MWe (APR1400) has been developed as it adopts digitalized human-system interfaces (HSIs). The integrated validation system is composed of process/plant models, HSIs, and the human performance ...
Introduction The advanced nuclear power plant, Advanced Power Reactor 1400 MWe (APR1400), has many specific features, such as passive safety facilities, digital instrumentation and control (I&C), and digitalized main control room (MCR). The design concepts of new human-system interfaces (HSIs) ...