Apr. 108 青岛五星级大酒店,是一个老牌子了,以前就知道这里,看到还有自助餐呢,听说也不错,以后有机会来看看。 和同事们打开导航走了一阵,从海边的餐厅步行走过来,我们定的地点位于酒店的右边,没有进酒店。 查看全部 打开App查看高清大图 青岛丽晶大酒店 ...
apr什么意思APR主要有两种常见含义,具体需结合上下文判断。其一是代表四月的英文缩写,其二是金融领域的年化利率指标。以下从拼写规范、应用场景及不同领域的具体定义展开说明: 一、作为月份缩写(April) 该用法源于英文单词前三个字母的标准化缩写规则,国际通用格式为“Apr.”(带句点)或“A...
翻译结果: APR就是Annual Percentage Rate,即年度百分比利率。 应用场景:该词通常在金融、贷款或信用卡等领域中使用,用于描述一年内的实际年利率,帮助消费者比较不同金融产品或服务的成本。 造句例句:(1)The APR on this loan is quite high, so we need to consider if it's wor...
Darren CollisonandBlake Griffinscored 23 points apiece and the Clippers beat the Suns 112-108 Wednesday night, their fourth win in a row and 17th in the last 19 games. Chris Pauladded 20 points, including a 32-foot 3-pointer just before the shot clock expired to put the Clippers up for ...
Jokic had 16 points, 11 rebounds and eight assists and fedJamal Murray(23 points) repeatedly in Denver's 108-90 romp of theSan Antonio Spurson Tuesday night. "Their chemistry is almost romantic," Nuggets coach Michael Malone said. "They care about each other, they love each other. They ...
APR211652 FIRST APPEARANCE ALERT! THE COWARDLY LOT, PART 3 / LEGEND OF THE GHOST-MAKER, PART 2. Batman goes undercover to infiltrate the transhumanist gang known as the Unsanity Collective and learn more about their sudden appearance in Gotham. And what nefarious plans does Simon Saint have ...
APR | 中科院微电子所高频高压中心GaN功率电子器件研发团队:GaN基MIS-HEMT器件阈值电压不稳定性机理与界面工程 与Si等传统半导体材料相比,基于金属-绝缘体-半导体(MIS)或金属-氧化物-半导体(MOS)栅极结构的GaN基MIS/MOS-HEMT功率器件能...
艾珂薇面霜 108 以他的脾气怎么可能乖乖站在一边任罗永浩训斥?贾芸这里见他二人因为自己僵住了,不由得心里万分歉意。他口中不住致歉 http://t.cn/A6GraAri
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