AMagna Electronics APQP WoorkbookProcess Owner/Department:Chris HempsallJustin Reaume / Pur DirApproved by:Supplier APQP: Four PhasesMagna Electronics (MEI) - 4 Phases of APQP for Supplier Development EngineeringAPQP -> Phase 1Supplier Kick-Off and PlanningAPQP -> Phase 2Product/Process Realization...
APQP Workbook 06AUG2007
During the product development lifecycle, quality tools are implemented in various phases to facilitate cross functional collaboration across the supply chain. This allows early detection of problems before they become too capital and resource draining. These tools help: Identify project risk Develop a m...
Notethephasesofthetimingchart: 注意时间表上的各个阶段 1.Plananddefinetheprogram,计划和确定项目 2.Designanddeveloptheproduct,产品设计和开发 3.Designanddeveloptheprocess,过程设计和开发 4.Validatetheproductandprocess,产品和过程确认 5.FeedbackandCorrectiveAction,反馈和纠正措施 Eachphasecontainsseveral...
Process Owner/Department:Chris Hempsal l Approved by:Suppl ierAPQP:Table of Contents Cover Shows the 4 APQP Phases and the activities that occurwithin them.Table of Contents Lists al l of the forms and examples included in thisworkbook.The Wouppl ierdocumentation and reporting backto MEI SDE.Su...
In this presentation I will try to explain the relationships of the APQP ‘Phases’ as well as the required standard documentation (such as the control plan and the PPAP Warrant). In addition I will try to address some specific documentation requirements including the FMEAs, the process flow ...
The Control Plan is generated in phases 3 and 4 of the APQP 5 Phase process, phases 1 and 2 would have given you all of the necessary inputs. If you are not following the full APQP process and would like to generate a control plan you need to identify the inputs to the control ...
if required Design FMEA Process Flow Diagram Production Control Plan MSA studies Dimensional Results Material, Performance Test Results Initial Process Capability Studies Qualified Laboratory Documentation Appearance Approval Report, (AAR), if applicable Sample Product Master Sample Checking Aids Records of Com...
ADVANCED PRODUCTQUALITYPLANNING(APQP) ANDCONTROLPLAN ReferenceManual IssuedJune1994,SecondPrintingFebruary1995(newcoveronly) Copyright © 1994, © 1995 ChryslerCorporation,FordMotorCompany,andGeneralMotorsCorporation FOREWORD ThisReferenceManualandReportingFormatweredevelopedbytheAdvancedProduct ...