You can scan any receipt from any store and still receive cash back. The only downside is that it typically has to be from a grocery store, but sometimes they do take receipts from other retailers. What makes ReceiptHog a little more fun is that the app comes with a small game called ...
There are several money-saving apps that allow users to scan receipts in order to earn cash back and rewards. Among them, Fetch may be the easiest to use. Simply sign up and scan receipts from any store to earn points that can be redeemed for gift cards. Purchasing specific brands, refer...
Refer your friends to earn even more. 5. Makeena Platform: iOS and Android Join Makeena Similar to Ibotta and Fetch Rewards, Makeena also gives you cash back when you take pictures of receipts with certain products on them. However, their biggest difference is their prime focus on healthy ...
Walmart and Target. Users select the offers they would like to redeem and then scan or submit their receipts using the mobile app to verify a purchase. For many retailers with loyalty programs, Ibotta can be linked to a store account to make it...
And it’s easy to use! Just scan and upload your receipts after purchases to collect points. Every time you reach the 3,000 point mark, you’ll be able to choose from hundreds of awesome rewards. What are you waiting for? Download the Fetch Rewards app and start saving big on your gr...
Scan documents for free with the Adobe Scan App. Turn your mobile device into a powerful scanner wherever you are. Effortlessly turn analog bills or receipts into editable digital documents, or turn business cards into digital contacts with just two clicks. The Adobe Scan App makes your work ea...
You can then unsubscribe from any of them with a single tap, or add them to a daily or weekly summary email, so your inbox stays neat. Edison can also pull out travel confirmations, package tracking emails, bills or receipts, event confirmations, or coupons, so they're easily accessible,...
Save your IKEA Family Card in your profile and view your past purchases and receipts Check store stock levels Shop & Go Enjoy super-fast shopping with the IKEA app. Scan your products while shopping and save time when paying at the checkout. ...
Shopify POS, so you can scan barcodes using multiple devices simultaneously and create customized stock takes for any location. It also let’s you view the progress of each stock take, and export the reports to get a full picture of your inventory status, including cycle counts and missing ...
Then, they each have their own special focus, with tools to use GPS to track miles, scan receipts from your phone, and more. Here are the apps that made the cut: Icon: App Best for: Free for: Price Expensify Automated expense tracking of popular business services $5/mo./user Zoho ...