This, of course, does not feel like play to the child. Queue gamification to the rescue! My PlayHome uses the natural inclination that many autistic spectrum children have towards digital media to help them engage with others through contexts presented on the app. With some help from...
Review: Jade is an innovative app designed to stimulate and support children with autism and Down syndrome. Created by Ronaldo Cohin, a father of an autistic child, and validated in collaboration with speech therapist Adriana Mallini, the app features engaging association games. We found that chil...
Our son is 18 years old. He is autistic and has serious issues with regard to aggression. He spent over a year at a leading treatment facility that resulted in a comprehensive behavior plan. Part of that behavior plan involves functional communication that includes a choice board that uses pic...
Our son is 18 years old. He is autistic and has serious issues with regard to aggression. He spent over a year at a leading treatment facility that resulted in a comprehensive behavior plan. Part of that behavior plan involves functional communication that includes a choice board that uses pic...
They can use this app to type what they want to say as they go or store a selection of words and phrases on various phrase boards linked to different contexts. SayIt! lets kids and adults who cannot vocalise their thoughts, opinions, and questions without assistance speak. Therefore it ...– National Autistic Society offers information and support Stress Control– Charity: they provide information on a range of different difficulties. Also have an App & helpline with panic attacks, obsessions...
If you or your child or student struggles with executive functioning skills, here are some apps that might help them. Save I want to explain before you hit this list. I had to remove the hyperlinks to the apps. Every time an app developer updates their app and changes it either on iTun...
Or a child may unknowingly reveal private information to a stranger. This is where a few all in one parental monitoring apps come in handy. Some of these apps are free, while others employ more parental controls in an app as well as on desktop. ...
Years later, Hello Games founder Sean Murray received a letter from a father, outlining how his autistic son found great solace and joy in Joe Danger. Cue: broken hearts, resolving to set things right, and the game being rebuilt piece by piece, with revamped visuals and gamepad support. ...
Years later, Hello Games founder Sean Murray received a letter from a father, outlining how his autistic son found great solace and joy in Joe Danger. Cue: broken hearts, resolving to set things right, and the game being rebuilt piece by piece, with revamped visuals and gamepad support. ...