Approximate upper and lower limits Author links open overlay panelCatherine V SmallwoodShow more Add to Mendeley Share Cite rights and content Under an Elsevier user license open archivePrevious article in issue Next article in issue...
V. Translational and internal gas–solid energy exchange for alkanes and other... Approximate upper and lower limits for vibrational accommodation coefficients (γvib) can be estimated using the assumption that γint=γrot =γvib, or γ... Clifton,W.,Draper,... - 《Journal of Chemical ...
The key point was that this microscopic element was virtually central in , and as such it restricted much of to a lower-dimensional subgroup of the unitary group, at which point one could argue using an induction-on-dimension argument. As we shall see, a similar argument can be used to ...
This paper is a complement of the work (Hu et al. in arXiv:1112.1145v1[math.NA],2011), where a general theory is proposed to analyze the lower bound property of discrete eigenvalues of elliptic operators by nonconforming finite element methods. One main purpose of this paper is to propose...
the infinite norm by the 2-norm. The authors observed, in fact, that in biological terms the infinite norm translates into a sort of worst case approach, while the 2-norm behaves as a sort of average case. The authors also established upper and lowerbounds for the resulting safety radius....
aEnter a new password for below. Your password must be at least eight characters long. It must contain at least one number and two letters, one upper case and one lower case. It cannot include three consecutive and identical characters. It cannot be the same as your...
In the paper, the estimations of the approximate calculation of double integrals with variable upper limits are suggested. The theorem on estimation for the main error term of approximate integration using the approach of substituting the integrand with an approximating function is f...
Therefore, the distinctive advantage of the exact interval procedures and the potential limitation of the approximate confidence intervals for the individual upper and lower limits of agreement were not fully addressed in Carkeet [19] and Carkeet and Goh [20]. It is of practical importance to ...
trials, which are not enough to locate the global optimal parameters for conventional optimizers. Some advanced optimization methods such as FOURIER heuristics reported in ref.10can be good at locating global minimum but depend on progressive optimization on lower-depth QAOA, leading to a much ...
Since L1=a1+b1 and L1′=a1+b2, we get b1>b2.□ 3. Approximate strong equilibrium by Nash equilibria Theorem 6 For anys>1and a Nash equilibrium configurationq,IRmin(q)≤1+1s−1s2, and this bound is tight. Proof We start with the lower bound for s>1. Consider the following three...