Yurick.Approximate k-d tree search for efficient ICP. On 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling, 2003. 3DIM 2003. Proceedings. Fourth International Conference . 2003M. Greenspan,M. Yurick.Approximate k-d tree search for efficient ICP. On 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling, 2003. 3DIM 2003. ...
Madsen, A., Jensen, F.: Lazy propagation: a junction tree inference algorithm based on lazy evaluation. Artificial Intelligence 113(1-2), 203–245 (1999) CrossRef Wong, S., Butz, C.: Contextual weak independence in Bayesian networks. In: Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Uncertainty ...
Methods to automatically recover the rigid transformations from matching sets of higher-level features were also presented. The advantage of these approaches is the reduction of the search space identified by two small sets of features, which results in efficient matching, but that should account for...
Although Binary Search Trees (BSTs) can be used for storing bit-codes, their size grows exponentially with code length. In practice, such a tree turns out to be highly sparse, increasing the miss-rate of nearest neighbor searches. We present Compressed BST of Inverted hash tables (ComBI), ...
K. ZhangDennis ShashaJ. T. L. Wang , K. Jeong , K. Zhang and D. Shasha Reference manual for ATBE: A tool for approximate tree matching , pp.1 -57 1991Reference manual for ATBE: A tool for approximate tree matching - Wang, Jeong, et al. - 1991 () Citation Conte...