The annlite supports the following distance metrics: Supported distances: DistanceparameterEquation Euclideaneuclideand = sqrt(sum((Ai-Bi)^2)) Inner productinner_productd = 1.0 - sum(Ai*Bi) Cosine similaritycosined = 1.0 - sum(Ai*Bi) / sqrt(sum(Ai*Ai) * sum(Bi*Bi)) ...
Their algorithm partitions each mesh edge into a set of intervals (windows) over which the exact distance compu- tation can be performed atomically. These windows are propagated in a "continuous Dijkstra"-like manner. They prove a worst case running time of O(n2 log n). Unfortunately, as ...
FLANN-FastLibraryforApproximateNearest Neighbors UserManual MariusMuja, DavidLowe, May16,2011 1Introduction Wecandefinethenearestneighborsearch(NSS)probleminthefollowingway: givenasetofpointsP=p 1 ,p 2 ,...,p n inametricspaceX,thesepointsmust bepreprocessedinsuch...