If you work for an ACCA Approved Employer who holds trainee development approval at Gold or Platinum level, then they may allow you to claim your performance objectives in a simplified way. This is because ACCA has assessed that the level of training and support they provide to you is suffici...
CPDACCAApprovedEmployer-ContinuingProfessionalDevelopmentCPDStream 北京:1.普华永道PricewaterhouseCoopers2.毕马威华振会计师事务所KPMG3. 世界银行驻中国代表团TheWorldBankOfficeBeijing4.德勤Deloitte5.安永会计 师事务所ErnstYoungGreaterChina6.斯伦贝谢Schlumberger7.中意人寿保险 有限公司GeneraliChinaLifeInsuranceCo.Ltd8...
ACCA Singapore also has personnel dedicated to providing information, advice and support on recruitment, training, development and existing approved employer accreditations. We work with many employers in the territory, aiming to provide timely and expert advice, tailored to the needs of individual orga...
We build rewarding and stimulating careers for talented, detail-oriented and committed professionals, with a passion for providing exceptional personal service.
aTo access myACCA you will need your login details - these would have been sent to you on official correspondence from ACCA. The login details which you will use differ slightly depending on whether you are an ACCA member, student, affiliate or approved employer. 要访问myACCA您将需要您的注册...
The Approved Employer programme is used by organisations globally to demonstrate best practice. New potential employees will be aware of the formal recognition of your organisation’s high standard of learning and development. Being included in the directory will give prospective, top talent confidence ...
Employers can be approved to deliver three types of ACCA support: Trainee Development, Professional Development or Practising Certificate Development. Only approvals belonging to parent companies will be shown. If you work for a subsidiary of an approved employer you will need to contact us for conf...
ACCA Training Principal Eligibility Information Type of Practising Certificate ACCA practising certificate Approved Employer Training Period Three years' training in an ACCA Approved Employer Practising Certificate Development stream. At least two years of the training must be obtained post- membership before...
Guidance on the type of organisational information and contact details we need for your Approved Employer application.