Environmental Safeguards means the principles and requirements set forth in Chapter V, Appendix 1, and Appendix 4 (as applicable) of the SPS; Developments shall have the meaning set forth in Section 9(e) below. the Academies means all the schools and educational institutions referred to in Artic...
Money Laundering Lawshas the meaning set forth in Section 3.25. Government Actsshall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.19. Crime of violencemeans any of the following offenses under federal, state, or local law: murder, manslaughter, kidnapping, aggravated assault, forcible sex offenses (inc...
I think the conversations online lately about what “reconnecting” means and entails have shifted the meaning of the phrase in ways I’m not comfortable with, so want to offer a caveat here. Reconnecting often now is taken to mean someone who “discovered” an ancient ancestor many generations...
The U.S. Constitution grants Congress the “power of the purse” by prohibiting expenditures “but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law.” As a result, legislation to provide for government expenditures must adhere to the same requirements and conditions imposed on the law-making process a...
All of these changes are generally retroactive to the original Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (the "CARES Act"), meaning that the changes may be taken into account in processing loan forgiveness with respect to an original PPP loan. A business is eligible for a second ...
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates the budgetary effects of interim CRs on an "annualized" basis, meaning that the effects are measured as if the CR were providing budget authority for the remainder of the fiscal year. According to CBO,16when the funding provided in Division A ofP...
“inspired” by Bethany’s. Here’s the thing. Bethany’s design is not just a collection of abstract shapes, she utilized Crow beadwork that had been in her family for generations for her design. The colors, the shapes, and the patterns have meaning, origins, and history. Theybelongto ...
For the Method of Limits, why would you want to use decreasing steps as well as increasing steps in your trials? What is successive approximation? What is important when calculating a difference threshold? What is the meaning of absolute threshold? Provide a...
Department of Labor (DOL): The FY2012 annual appropriations law provides $12.6 billion in discretionary funding for DOL. This amount is 0.7% less than the comparable FY2011 funding level of $12.7 billion and 2% less than the FY2012 President’s request of $12.8 billion. ...
This law appropriated $164 billion in discretionary funding for L-HHS-ED (not counting emergency Ebola funds), which is roughly comparable to amounts provided in FY2014 (+0.05%) and the FY2015 President's request (-0.1%). In addition, the FY2015 omnibus provided an estimated $681 billion...