Actual appropriation of funds from the Capital Works Reserve Fund for individual projects needed to go through the relevant [...] 從基本工程儲備基金實際撥給個別項目的款項,須經 過有關的審批程序,而批出的款項以項 目為基礎,並涵蓋個別項目的費用總額,而並非以每年撥款的 形式批出...
Subject to Annual Appropriationmeans, with respect to any obligation of the City or the County under this First Supplement, that the performance of that obligation is subject to the annual appropriation by the Governing Body of the City or the County, respectively, of sufficient funds to perform...
a deliberate act of acquisition of something, often without the permission of the owner; "the necessary funds were obtained by the government's appropriation of the company's operating unit" "a person's appropriation of property belonging to another is dishonest" ...
appropriationofgrant,funds Bewilligungf<-, -en> 单数在互联网中有2个示例复数在互联网中有2个示例 3. appropriation(implementation): appropriation Verwendungf<-, -en> 单数在互联网中有10个示例复数在互联网中有10个示例 4. appropriation金融:
to the Working Capital Fund of the Tribunal, in order to provide the Tribunal with the necessary financial means, in the event of temporary shortfalls in funds, to deal with cases whenever the cost could not be met from case-related costs or from the transfer of funds between appropriation ...
For purposes of the LAE’s authorization of appropriations, the term Trust Funds means the Social Security and Medicare trust funds. For more information on Special Benefits for Certain World War II Veterans, see footnote 8. SSA: Trends in the Annual Limitation on Administrative Expenses (LAE) ...
Appropriationmeans an authorization granted by a legislative body to incur obligations and to expend public funds for a stated purpose. Payment Obligationsmeans any and all obligations of the Authority to pay or reimburse the Bank contained in or evidenced by any Authority Document, including, without...
This means that whether you’ve used up your total deductible in the past year or not, at the start of next year, the amount will restart to what is stated in the plan. To better comprehend what a deductible is and how it works, let’s take a look at an example. ...
It means overemitters are disproportionately responsible for damages caused by global warming but also that other countries must effectively forgo the full use of their own fair shares to keep the world on track for 1.5 °C, mitigating more rapidly than would otherwise be required. One way to...
If the payer shown is anyone other than the Department Agriculture, it means the payer has received a payment, as a nominee, that is taxable to you. This may represent the entire agricultural subsidy payment received on your behalf by the nominee, or it may be your pro rata share of the...